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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Its just a matter of getting a invite code from someone whose already in the door. There is basically lots of people who generate it for others. Id do it if I was at home.

I havent used any myself but from what im aware of,

ChimeraOS and HoloISO would be the cloest to a console like experience

Nobara and Garuda is a step away from that and focuses more on being a gaming pc rather than a full console experience.

Hence not everyone sees it as a black and white thing, because there will be a lot of people who would disagree with your statement to some extent.

Some people dont see it as a black and white issue.

Does firefox lose its privacy status if it takes google money and makes the default search engine google search?

It has an opt in option to sell ad space for some of its crypto. Some people just are offended that the option is even there.

Modern ones will. The gpu requirement is basically says any gpu from 2011 and newer (2011 was gcn 1.0 and kepler) with Vulkan support.

For windows, vulkan is supported by skylake(6th gen) and newer, for linux, vulkan is supported all the way back to Ivy Bridge, but the experience playing CSGO would probably be terrible.

To take a recent example, Microsoft considered just completely leaving the UK gaming console market if it fully blocked the buyout of blizzard activision, as it already won elsewhere and had good trial against the FTC in the U.S.

Thr 7840U is core config wise, the same as the Asus ROG Ally with the Z1 Extreme, just different clocks/binning. (Handhelds are drsigned for 10w handheld use, and 15-30w docked)

The 7840u is designed for 15-30w, but is meant for the 30w usecase. Other chinese pc handhelds like the Ayaneo Air 1s or the GPD Win 4 Pro already use the 7840u im their designs.

Its not that its bad, but usually its extra steps.

Most games. In particular ones running directx, use xinput, microsofts input library, which basically maps out to a generic 360 controller.

Controllers that arent designed explicitly for xinput use (many 3rd party controllers do, in particular one designed with pc in mind, but not all) like nintendo and sony controllers (for obvious reasons) use the legacy dinput communication, which not all games support.

Generally you can get around this via steam big picture mode, which uses steams controller API to map Dinput to Xinput automatically, else you have yo use 3rd party software for full compatibility (e.g ds4windows, dll mods) if the game or application does not natively support dinput.

The best situation would be of course, just plug and play, and open up all features of a controller to thr computer, bonus points if it changes the on screen input commands to the controller youre using (some pc games already do that natively)

I have a decently high end pc(12700k/4070) and i use it standalone more than plugged in myself

The number of vr headsets is actually pretty high. Iirc, the Quest 2 alone has 20m sales

Theres a subset of users who refuse to play a game with denuvo drm, but are okay with other milder forms of drm (e.g account based drm, or even other hardware based ones like Arxam)

Thr biggest offenders for hardware based ones are usually Denuvo and VMProtect