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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Google-certified Android TV devices aren’t known to receive security updates either.

Kaspersky is closely tied to Russian government. The dude himself (founder and CEO) has a government position as one of Putin’s advisors or something. Also he believes that anonymity should be purged from the internet, and every user should be personally indentified, enforced by the government. In the name of “security”, of course.

Russia already has national root TLS certificate that’s must installed on all devices (basically government-mandated MITM). The next step is to start severely throttling (and optionally blocking) TLS connections that don’t use it. Some popular foreign sites like Google can remain functional by replacing their certificate at ISP level (all ISPs are already controlled by the government).

DLSS is upscaler. Game is rendered at lower resolution and then image is upscaled in a bit smarter way than simple “stretching”.

That’s how they do it. They send their “proposal” and immediately implement it in Chrome (with work on that being started long before “proposal” is made public obviously). Then they start using it on their own websites (with compatibility for now) and start propaganda campaign to push webdevs to use it too (which they do of course). Then they start complaining that other browsers’ developers are slow to implement this new “standard” (at this stage they won’t call it a “proposal” anymore) and are “stifling development of the web” or being actively malicious because they are jealous of Chrome or something. Then compatibility mode on their websites is first subtly broken so that users once again will witness how Chrome is superior browser and then removed outright. Boom, we have a new web standard!