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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 28, 2021


Hey look everyone, we got a dirty belter here!

It’s been a while since I looked into it, and things might have changed since then, but some stuff off the top of my head:

  • Messages are stored on the server, not on the device
  • end-to-end encryption not enabled by default
  • uses proprietary encryption, making security audits difficult

Apart from that it’s somewhat politically questionable, based in Dubai (I think), with dubious financial backing and Russian developers. Because it’s closed source and the encryption is proprietary, there’s no way of knowing how much info it leaks.

It looks like the rally game Dirt and can confirm that keeping the Ford Sierra Cosworth in a straight line can be a challenge!

I’ve been using UBlock for years and was surprised that out of the box, AdGuard had a much better score!

Woah, I have a selfhosten vaultwarden instance and never knew it could do this! Thanks, kind internet person!

Because you, as an employee, have a choice. Have you been asked to do something unethical, something that violates your principles?

That happened to me in my previous job. I told my team and reported it to my superiors. My refusal got me a personal audience with the CEO. But when another thing happened that got me asking around. And when that guy got promoted, our whole team left.

I’m pretty sure that a lot of the mad people fully understand why DRM is ostensibly needed, and also fully appreciate the implications.