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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 15, 2023


Haha ya, what a sucker! This is why I make my own gas at home.


Probably smart - personally I’m too lazy to carry a wallet so I’m stuck with Google for now. I definitely don’t want to hear their thoughts on my apps though, and the idea that they can uninstall things at will doesn’t excite me. I imagine things like torrent clients, stremio/kodi, usenet clients, etc. may randomly disappear at some point in the future.

My phone decided that YACB was dangerous about a month ago. I’m assuming that Google just wanted me to use their call blocker instead, but the warning led me to discover that the app wasn’t getting updates so I ended up uninstalling.

This has to be ragebait, absolutely ridiculous

Do you really think the people generating CSAM give a fuck about their training data? They are making the content because they enjoy it - I’d guess they’d use all training data available (of which they would likely have plenty of, considering their interests)

Do you have js enabled?

Trying to figure out how to accomplish this - doesn’t even work on tor

For me this doesn’t seem to clean URLs though, it just blocks them and makes me type in the link manually.

Is there a way around this?

Too busy watching the video I assume