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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 29, 2023


Seems too expensive. Most people that owned a phone with a camera for the last few years would easily be in the $200/yr plan. I know I am.

That’s the cost of Amazon and Walmart subscriptions combined just to get one benefit of Amazon subscription.

I realize people here tend to shit on Amazon, but they never leaked anyone’s photos so unless you share them yourself, they are perfectly safe in AWS cloud with unlimited storage.

I tried all of the above, but Diablo 4 continues to freeze.

Using proton ge instead of normal proton

This made no difference at all

Install via lutris instead of steam.

This I cannot do because game is purchased via Steam

Use PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 %command% as the launch options. This tricks the game into thinking you have an amd gpu and disables nvdia specific optimizations that could maybe cause issues.

This made performance MUCH worse, but game still froze after a few minutes.

%command% -adapter 1 might switch to the gpu if you’re on a laptop with integrated and dedicated graphics.

This was not an issue since game was already using correct GPU.

I also reinstalled OS/D4 just in case and that also made no difference.

I’m just super surprised this isn’t a more common problem. If this was a D4 or Proton bug I’d expect a ton of people complaining, but I can’t find any reports. This makes me think this is specific to my setup, but I completely reset everything and started from scratch and yet it continues to freeze. Super fucking frustrating.

I am talking about Diablo 4.

There’s no crash log, Proton log just abruptly stops when the game freezes.

I did try all Proton versions including custom and ge with same results.

I bought the game via steam, so I’d have install via steam even if I use Lutris, right? Not sure how Lutris works.

Steam and game use correct gpu so that’s not an issue, but I will try to hide Nvidia gpu and see if it helps. I decided to start with OS reinstall. If that doesn’t work I’ll try the other suggestions.

Thank you.

D4 on Steam freezes since last update 1/2024
I'm on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. Latest NVidia proprietary drivers on 1080Ti. Proton 8-4 crashes faster than Expiremental, but both still consistently crash. Everything was working perfectly until recent D4 update. Now game freezes after 1-2 minutes in game. GPU VRAM is not exhausted. CPU is mostly idle. Plenty of RAM. Doesn't seem to be caused by anything specific. Will freeze whether I'm in a fight or in a town. Anyone else experienced similar issues? Not sure how to debug this, but I can't play anymore and it sucks.

DOTA works really well in Linux, but community is toxic as fuck. 7000 hours here.

That’s actually really expensive. 2GB is not a lot unless you’re starting from scratch. My 50gb account would cost me ~15€/mo with aliases and extra storage fees.

But most importantly they don’t support bringing your own domains which makes it a non-starter for most people looking for custom email solution.

Vast majority of Proton users signed up because Proton promises your data is safe at rest. Even from them. In fact, they specifically advertise this protects them from subpoenas because they cannot provide decrypted copy of user’s data.

That seems unlikely since your data is encrypted with a password they don’t have.

Couldn’t agree more, but these policies exist because spammers host their own servers. Without a network of trust, you’d have to dig through a thousand of emails every day to find the one from your friend.

That’s what I mean. You cannot host in Hetzner, for example, unless you use an outside service like SES for outgoing mail. Their IPs are globally shit listed.

I can’t think of another provider that even comes close in pricing for colo services.

Courts can require you to provide your password in some circumstances. Where your email is stored is irrelevant.

That’s a pretty good setup. I used to use Amazon SES same way, but they dropped free SES tier. Still reasonably cheap, but more than 1€/mo.

I have to say though, having someone else take care of all updates, backups, etc is worth it for $10/year. You can also bring your own domain. Their servers are not the fastest, but that’s my only real complaint with purelymail.com.

Where do you host that’s reasonably priced and still has an IP pool that isn’t immediately blacklisted by Google, Yahoo and Microsoft?

Purely mail.


Every provider out there encrypts mail at rest. You’re exchanging emails with Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail anyway. Pretending like your email is any safer with Proton or clones is a waste of money imho.