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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I tend to prefer pass phrases, they are a lot easier to type and speak, if required. Mine regularly blow past 20 characters.

As for salting, that only defends against rainbow table attacks. The salt needs to be stored along with the hash. That is find for most accounts, but once you’re in banking territory, that’s a bad bet.

You also can’t assume you have no vulnerabilities. If someone gets your database, you can’t defend against brute force attacks.

Lastly, if you are doing passwords properly, you shouldn’t care much about length. There are a few dos attacks to worry about, but a 512 char limit will stop those, and not limit any sane password.

The best bet is to let your local aviation authority know. They are generally the ones with the actual powers, as well as the knowledge to apply them.

At least in the UK, the laws cover anything that leaves the ground under an open sky. There are exceptions for RC toys and drones, but they have limits. One of the limits is you cannot fly within a certain distance of anyone or anything not under your control.

Basically, most places require your permission to fly over, or near to your land. If they are overflying, they are breaking the rules.

It’s worth noting, depending on the size of the system, it can be difficult to judge distances. The ones I work with are large. We regularly have officials insisting we are massively out of our flight area. GPS logs show that it was well within the entire time.

If you’ve not encountered it yet, check out the steam deck.

To the novice, it’s an excellent, simple to use, handheld console, with all their steam games as a bonus.

To the adventurous, a couple of clicks get you to a Linux desktop. You can install what you want (including emulators) and even plumb them back into the normal steam deck interface.

It’s fine till you have an accident. Then your completely fucked.

Those deals, at least over here, are generally aimed at new drivers. I actually agree with them, to a level. It lets the insurance company rapidly sort the safe drivers from the idiots, and so discriminate on prices. It also trains new drivers to be safer. I remember how fearless I was when starting out. The quicker we get new drivers out of that mindset, the better.

Given Proton can actually be faster on some windows games, there might be a legitimate use case for this.

It would also be useful for developers to use for testing. Low friction access to a Linux runtime environment would make it a lot more reasonable for Devs to support Linux as well.

I have some minor mild variant of face blindness. I can see faces, but my brain won’t store them properly. I therefore struggle to put names and faces to people.

An AR device with real time face recognition would be a godsend for me.

I’m UK based, and fly semi regularly. Those booths are great, at least for me. They’ve not failed for me so far. They also seem to be at least 90% effective, which speeds things up vastly. Your passport needs to have the biometric features available however. A lot of people get confused when their passport lacks them.