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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Glad to see the VRR being worked on with the dock. I’ve had to disable it when I am playing on my TV for now because it keeps turning off and on over and over

Flatpak usually works fine with anti cheat. More likely a proton issue like other people are saying

Bro put Tinder DMs on the list. Points for being thorough I guess lol.

Jokes aside looks really useful. Good job!

You are describing symmetric encryption where both parties have the same key. There is something called asymmetric encryption that solves this. Basically you have a public key and a private key. You can give your public key to youtube, they can use that key to encrypt the symmetric key that will be used for the actual communication. The only way to decrypt the symmetric key is by using your private key, which is only known to you. So youtube can safely send it to you so you can decrypt it. Now you both have the same key and nothing was sent unencrypted.

Well your public key was sent unencrypted but that’s fine because of how asymmetric encryption works.