• 6 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 07, 2021


This story seems fishy. Why would the hole for the facial recognition camera be so poorly made? It looks like someone made it with a screwdriver, not something that was made in a factory.

Edit: got it

The voting system let’s people push comments to the top that they want to be true, not necessarily things that are true.

Given how hard they’ve been pushing Copilot/Bing Chat/etc I’m not surprised

Lenovo uses proprietary, closed source firmware. There’s no way to know what it’s doing.

Not really true any more. The build quality isn’t as good as it used to be and the upgradability has suffered too.

Framework is the best option these days for upgrades and repairs

Squawker doesn’t work any longer either

The greed of these people is astounding

If it’s a sliding window you can put a bar in the track to keep it from being opened fully. If you need better security you can always put long screws through the framing.

Delete the partitions it’s installed on and install a Linux distro

They know that gaming is the one thing that often keeps people from switching to Linux. Buying up all these gaming companies is their strategy to keep gamers locked into Windows.

I’m so glad to have Home Assistant and ESPHome as an alternative to these evil devices.

People are still driving Teslas right now. Pretty much the same in my book. You’re trusting your life to a proven moron.

I always assume I have zero privacy at work and/or on work computers. Are you trying to use it on your personal computer or something? If so I’d advise against that. Teams and Office 365 are notorious for their monitoring and reporting to managers.

Teslas are so bad. No idea why people keep buying them. Plus driving a Tesla is like wearing a MAGA hat these days.