• 1 Post
Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 20, 2023


Absolute nightmare to get that kind of stuff cleared from your reports. Were you successful?

Still not enough to share with the whole class

(Not necessarily)

Bravo, Inti De Ceukelaire.

Registering a domain and publishing contact details connected to it seems to be a lifetime affair. For the lifetime of the internet, that is.

You’re right about that in many cases.

That post? It two sentences.

Second sentence is a joke that couldn’t be taken seriously. As if it were a knock knock joke or something. …right?!

“How many of you own a power drill?” Rachel Botsman, the author of the book The Rise Of Collaborative Consumption, asked the audience at TedxSydney in 2010. Predictably, nearly everyone raised his or her hand. “That power drill will be used around 12 to 15 minutes in its entire lifetime,” Botsman continued with mock exasperation. “It’s kind of ridiculous, isn’t it? Because what you need is the hole, not the drill.”


I’d even recommend going one step further and deleting their account, but I didn’t read the post

:p i keed

Assume they’d let ask you to have staff let you in every time, same as someone whose battery died. Pretty soon they’d recognize you and quickly buzz/wave you along, I figure.

Wow nice. Any opinions on how these fingerprinting evaluators compare?


EFF’s Cover Your Tracks:

Am I Unique?:

Sad a pretty stock iPhone that’s blocking via some filterlists and using iCloud Private Relay (a “VPN”) is so detectable! Should be so many browsers appearing similar but there’s always this & that that mean I’m unique.

In general, shudder at the thought of supporting the anti-broker industry. Data brokers can play both sides. Guest the only solution is legislation?

Got an amazing one thanks to a fellow alumni who proactively reached out.

Well played on this one, Microsoft… got me locked in, for now.

Can’t wait for the day login to LI is required to purchase something. A price discriminator’s wet dream.

why is it installed by default on all phones?

Absolutely batshit.

Should the bank should have keys to a mortgaged house? When you don’t own the house outright yet? I’m gonna go with no.

Hmm, do they only not have keys because you can’t drive a house away?

So obviously poverty fuggin sux and we need universal basic income etc.

In today’s BS world:

If we ban car repossession, what happens to car prices and access to transportation?

Likewise - if digital repossession of phones is prohibited, will there at least be a couple impoverished people who have to use dumb phones even though they could’ve afforded a reposessable smartphone?

Maybe a few people have to go without those cheaper phones because allowing lenders to killswitch phones causes greater harm to the whole. Anybody wanna speculate?

The anecdote doesn’t necessarily prove anything but it is conceivable that stretch of road is mismarked in multiple systems.


(Two screenshots side-by-side showing a text converter with the following input, settings, output + new settings and new output)

For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

Make my text:
More professional

Available for purchase: a pair of infant footwear, never utilized.

Make my text:
More sociable (waffle)

Hey there! So I’ve got these super cute baby shoes up for grabs. Unfortunately, they’ve never been worn. But that just means they’re brand spanking new and ready for a little one to rock them! Let me know if you’re interested in giving these adorable kicks a new home. #forsale #babystyle #neverworn

duh thanks :)

Voyager iOS tricks me, still shows strikeouts with single tildes!

I think the biggest hurdle for adoption of DDG ~in Europe~ is simply that the search results ~in non-english~ suck in comparison to other search engines named Google.


Still use it though, just expect to add !g half the time.

Why does privacy matter?

Price discrimination!

Login to LinkedIn to purchase [groceries / diapers / your new mechanical keyboard] 🤢

Updated on iOS via US App Store - feature not available just yet. Looking forward to it in a few days perhaps!

Anything you use to autotranscribe images or are image uploads without alt text a nightmare?


Just clicked it and opened their USA page. Racist drivel.

And disabled protections but couldn’t get it to pop up a tracker notice.

The [exact ad from the] specific advertiser will never be seen again, so indeed the issue has been mitigated.

Other bad actors are still out there, though, hence the need for the report button the dev mentioned.

Two minutes of DuckDuckGo rearranging & dropping results for the same search; Bing, Startpage, &
Try it with this search: >_an entire block of smash car windows_ I’ll have to test Searx, Grasp, & Kagi. Right now I start with DDG and bang out to Google (append !g to my DDG search) at least half the time. So note to DDG devs: those Google bang searches had results that left me ![disaPPOINTED](https://files.catbox.moe/do7mrr.gif)!