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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: May 03, 2024


This is a really helpful perspective, thank you. I’m already getting some of the easy wins you wrote about, like using an AI prior to web search to get a more specific query and skip the SEO garbage. Another thing I found they’re good at is reverse dictionary lookup, give it a definition and it can help figure out a good word.

The most complex prompts I have tried out were telling the AI what role it is supposed to be, and the format of the output. I don’t think I have done one that specified what I or the audience is supposed to be. But that would factor in to what the model thinks it and I shouldn’t know, right? You’ve given me a bunch of interesting new angles to try on these.

This is pretty cool! Am I reading correctly that it isn’t so much about collecting a corpus of data for it to browse through as much as it is understanding how to do a specific query, maybe giving it a little context alongside that? It sounds like it might be worth refining a smaller model with some annotated information, but not really feasible to collect a huge corpus and have the model be able to pull from it?

Do you have a setup that collects your interactions to feed into those? The way you described it I imagined you are automatically collecting data for it to infer from and getting good results. Like a powered-up bash history or something.

Thank you, I was curious if they had a system set up to watch their interactions. I should have specified better.

Is there a problem other than Nazis and other far right idiots spamming their hot takes? That’s certainly a culture problem but hopefully most instances just ban Nazis instead of letting the cancer grow.

That’s really fascinating. Now Google wants to do this same thing on your computer hardware to ensure people are forced to look at ads.