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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


I can imagine the keyboard controls sucking.

And yeah, those messages are exactly the thing that makes the vibe so cozy. You’re failing again and again and the game keeps encouraging you, believing in you.

Oh hell yes. The game pushes you to heights you never thought you’d achieve. And its there to catch you every time you fall.

I think that farewell and the c-sides are some of the most enjoyable, challenging, and rewarding gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Keep it up!

Celeste! One of the best games ever made, with a flawless Linux native version

Windows defender along with a system hardener (like hard_configurator) can actually be quite insanely strong, especially since windows defender starts working and blocking stuff long before non-system apps, which can be a big boon. This approach is also free (if you have windows) which seems to fit your needs!

Um, how about no? Love DDG but good lord are we just supposed to take openai’s word for this privacy? Lol

Signal and grapheneos are the projects I make regular contributions to in the privacy sphere - £5/mo each

It ain’t privacy related but make sure u donate to trans charities xoxoxo