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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Think Gaetz & Marjorie Taylor Greene. That’s pretty much our entire government now all the sensible people have been drummed out.

Don’t let logic or facts get in the way of a good grandstanding.

They didnt know it wasn’t going to work because they refuaed to listen to anyone trying to tell them it wouldn’t work

As no seems to have answered this, the EU’s political structure is more resistant to the anti-consumer desires of large corporates, particularly as the ones impacted aren’t European.

Culturally the EU is diverse but broadly there is a lot more interest in / support for nurturing the common good (as opposed to beggar thy neighbour policies of the GOP). In particular pro-consumer policies are popular and get politicians re-elected, which segues to the next difference

The EU is less influenced (not zero, less) by political donations from large corporates than the US. Very little of the priorities of the average person makes it into law in the US, a slightly larger sliver gets through in the EU.

It’s a library file something to do with 32bit support iirc.

Can’t recall anymore than that but either here or reddit had details

Difficult to view on mobile but an excellent map. Thanks

Facebook European headquarters are in Ireland which is part of the EU. If Facebook fails to pay Norway can take them through the European court system to enforce the payment.

Facebook have plenty of assets in the EU which can be seized. More than enough cash given they use Ireland as part of their tax minimisation strategy

I’m in the UK, whatsapp is ubiquitous and unavoidable as hard as I try. I made a big effort to get people onto Signal but got limited traction and once they killed the sms support those I’d converted ditched it. Viber is dead, no one uses it or threema.

Thanks for the link. So it was the app and extension not the search engine.

Yeah. They stopped using sms a few months ago but divorcing from phone numbers is who knows when