• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


You could also give Shizuku a try! Connects to android’s adb bridge over WiFi, right from your phone! From there you can use something like termux to shell straight into your phone!

Damn, hadn’t realized Mozilla was doing ad profiling! 😓

Anybody know of a way to disable that somehow, mobile\desktop? If its not a thing I think I might be jumping ship… Really hoped Firefox had their shit together!

The whole article's a great read, but here's a fun excerpt= > > > To be perfectly blunt, AI girlfriends are not your friends. Although they are marketed as something that will enhance your mental health and well-being, they specialize in delivering dependency, loneliness, and toxicity, all while prying as much data as possible from you.” --Misha Rykov, Researcher @ \*Privacy Not Included > >

Hooray!! Been using this fork for a couple of months. Slap the swypelib in there and its the best keyboard around!!!

Wow, super informative!! Thank you for such a detailed response! I’ll definitely be looking into the CPRA

Is there a way to lookup data linked to your Advertising IDs?
I'm taking a class on data privacy at the moment, and it made me think it would be interesting to see exactly what kind of advertising data has been generated by services like Google \ YouTube \ Etc. Is there somewhere online that's easy to punch in an advertising ID & find that sort of data, or is that something you'd have to request from advertisers themselves? (AdSense etc?) Or maybe do the service providers (mentioned before) store that data? Forgive my ignorance - still learning about this stuff!

Just dug through a lemmy thread of recommended android apps a minute ago and found someone recommending Organic Maps. Pretty damn good compared to some others I’ve seen!

And of course, popping into streetcomplete here and there and contributing some data helps sharpen the data 🙂

Thank you! I’ve been away from my PC for a bit, been meaning to come update this thread. This is the exact setting I changed! Both need to be ticked, & I selected proton experimental. I’m sure if experimental doesn’t run it you can change per-game overrides to get it sorted out - steamDB can be your friend figuring out which version to use!

[solved] Steam cloud stuck at checking \ out of sync
Not sure if this will help anyone else, but I couldn't find anything online about this and thought I'd share this with online just in case! I just started playing Outer Wilds on the steam deck for a week or so, and was immediately in love with it. I decided to install it on my PC (popOS) to see how it looks with cranked graphics, and I could not for the life of me figure out how to sync my cloud saves! For some reason the deck kept saying the saves were syncing fine up to the cloud, but my pc kept sticking at 'checking....' when I asked it to sync... In the end, I ended up finding a setting in the steam client that enables compatibility for every title in steam that isn't Linux native... when I flipped it on, Outer Wilds (along with like 4 other games in my library) all immediately resolved their bugged cloud sync! So, I guess, steam will complain that it can't get your cloud saves to download, when really it doesn't have a compatdata folder for the saves to download *to*. Kinda jank!

Thanks for the response! I’ll be giving mint a shot next for sure! 🙂

You’re not alone!! I just fought with it too for like a week and eventually gave up… what os flavor are you runnin? I was trying manjaro but even after shifting all my games to exfat something seemed to be bork 🤔 I was considering popOS but I’ve heard mixed opinions on that one!

THANK YOU for this!! I fought with ntfs in a new manjaro install last weekend and just could not friggin figure it out! So excited to see a valve better fix!