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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 18, 2023


It’s specific to signal? Like they want to block people registering or what’s up with that SMS block?

Why not? If anything the average user that will write stuff for themselves so no worry of plagiarism or whatever would benefit the most if it auto guesses what they want to type, summarizes to study something or similar.

It probably makes more sense on Word though.

Man… Don’t reply if you don’t have an answer no need to put a dump of text.

Ok that would explain why they need the credentials.

Do you also use a horse? Also good for privacy based on recent news.

Oh yeah I see I mis read the prompt, I thought it was going with a enter you mail as alternative to using an account.

I have seen it on Europe… maybe there was some way to circumvent it hidden away, not sure. But you could type a random email and that’s it, like they don’t send anything to confirm the email or anything once you submit you have access to internet.

Not sure about this Walmart case but most you can write any email like random letters a@gmail.com or not even the Gmail part as long as it’s a valid looking mail and then works like you don’t even have to confirm the email or anything.

I expect is more usefull for big files or similar, aka like the consoles standby updates downloads.

Sure, I don’t care in my case tough. It’s not illegal to access them even tough they are blocked.

Idk… maybe not great for privacy but I just test it (I have been a subscriber for a while and didn’t know there was a VPN) and it bypasses my country blocks of certain piracy pages so so far it’s kind of usefull.

I just find out and I have been paying for years… so they don’t advertise it very well that’s for sure…

I love that the picture they used is a phone with an UI like Windows Phone.

Yeah but Google biggest services are mostly free. The main source of income, although they have improved that by offering other paid services all these years, has been ad revenue on their free services.

I might be wrong but I heard of bad performance in good computers as well in the case of Starfield.

So yeah Deck will always have issues with certain new AAA because like the switch has a performance level of older hardware. But not all new AAA require super hardware and also in PC there usually lots of settings official and non official to improve performance, usually in exchange of worse quality but sometimes fixing bugs that were slowing down the game unnecessary and without sideffects.

I wish somebody had found a way for the wifi version to work with a local custom server. Instead of using Bluetooth.

Yeah not great. I mean I can still identify what is what, except the VPN and pass ones but yeah… not great.

I mean if you trust the person to which you share is fine…I mean is just your location, plus usually is not that precise to begin with.

I cannot opinate on non family relationship but on family I personally use it and all of us use it.

The risk of course if somehow they fuck it up and a third party or a worker can see it and use the information for nefarious uses it’s the problem and I understand why somebody would not use this.

But in my case it wouldn’t be an issue, even if targeted which I doubt I would be, the locations where I could be would be pretty know already due other data available, like shipping info, where I work etc. Of course if I am hiding from somebody that’s another topic but not the case. Or if somebody wants to steal from my home if I am not there or something but there are simpler ways…

might as well remove the USB-C port

Well don’t say it too loud, if there is any big improvements on “wireless” charging… I could see the mainline of phones doing it…