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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Something something no Chrome something something install uBlock and Firefox.

Did I get it right?

Also Denmark is one of those weird countries where its illegal to have your map software tell you where the speed cameras are.

That is not true at all. The police has even officially recommended the use of speed trap avoidance software. We even have an entire market of it, most notably with Saphe that’s probably the world’s biggest producer of traffic alarms.

Yes, Jellyfin’s Kodi add-on sends watch info back to Jellyfin which keeps track of the watch history. Just remember to install the Kodi Sync Queue add-on in Jellyfin too.

It’s kind of a blessing and a curse. The larger a CDN is the more resilient it is to e.g. DDoS attacks which hugely favours Cloudflare. It unfortunately also means if anything happens to Cloudflare most of the internet will go down even though the internet itself should be decentralised by design. What can happen to Cloudflare you might ask. Well anything. Being purchased by someone like Google would be bad for privacy, an incident could force Cloudflare to go down for an undetermined amount of time like what happened to Facebook a while back.

The Danish ID solution actually offers the possibility to use FIDO U2F. Unfortunately the requirements were to provide the option and not how to provide it, so you have to purchase their “special” key since you can’t use your own Yubikey even though it’s the same hardware…

I usually call it 1,5FA since it is reduced to one factor, namely the password manager, but that password manager is protected by 2FA.

Ah, so not see the “e-mails” but the “e-mail address”

No idea about that. But the invitation to the Teams meeting must be sent somewhere?

Why not use an e-mail relay service like Addy.io or SimpleLogin.io? Much better than creating new e-mail accounts all the time.

But to answer your question. E-mails only get sent to wherever the MX records points to, so if your custom domain points to some e-mail service that is not Microsoft, Microsoft would never be able to intercept your e-mails.

They recently changed their name from AnonAddy which might be a reason you haven’t heard of them. I’ve been very happy with their service for a long time now.

Addy.io shows it as "Company ‘noreply at company.com’ "

So it is possible to more transparent. Of course when I click on it to show the actual email it shows something like “alias+noreply=company.com@mydomain.com” as that’s the relay mail which replies actually get sent to.

Don’t sue them, we’re not the US. Make a complaint to your local DPA. If the offender needs to be pulled to court, the DPA will do so.

Difference is who’s paying for the court case.

I’m sorry to inform you that there might be some content leaking through your ads.

I’ve found Nebula to be a great substitute for YouTube for me. Even though it’s not all my subscriptions that are on Nebula I’ve found that I’ve reduced my YouTube usage to near zero.