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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


you con select to disable that welcome screen and automatically open library just need to change steam settings

it’s named .desktop, steam put them on your .local/share/application

i use telegram, but i agree that signal and matrix is superior from both(i don’t about the others)

telegram e2e encryption is open-source, whatsapp not

the protocol for windows positioning is not merged, and it look like it’s gonna need that

calm lol, it is only a 8 line text file, that you can put there again it’s just a sign that gnome isn’t working on x11(there is other pull request that it REALLY remove x11 code, but it gonna take some timw, there is a few blockers that need tobe fixed or implemented) everything i said is in the pull request

idk, but AMD is working in that, that what i know, so buy a recent card because that where AMD is focusing on improving

i guess was on the tf2 lmao, almost like it was a choice of the devs to not work on that spaghetti not valve, because that’s how valve works, the devs do what they want

it in the installer, qhere you can select telemetry, and i don’t think they want to piss of companies that use linux, so this is just windows problem(and mesa programmers could just rip the shit out of the drivers anyway), but with the amont of windows telemetry i don’t know why this people are complaining

i use ecosia instead of google, i help the planet and it isn’t a bad search engine, st least for my use

but that isn’t gonna make some apps became confuse and install the .desktop in the steam directory?

oh, i can just generate a .desktop file in my desktop, and copy it to the correctly location, anyway, thank you for answering!

yeah reinstaling it resolved, but, i mean i don’t want to reinstall every one😅, and repair the game files didn’t changed anything, even after deleting the one from the .var/steam

How make steam(flatpak) show the .desktop in the start-menu of the installed games?
hello folks, so, i use fedora, and i have steam installed as flatpak, i tried this [suggestion](https://github.com/flathub/com.valvesoftware.Steam/issues/85#issuecomment-650597824) i relaxed the flatpak, and log out, but the .desktop files are still in the `/home/${USER}/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/applications/` how i "force" the steam to re-create the .desktop files? thank you! (btw i just want the start-menu icons, i don't put shortcuts in the desktop :)