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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Nov 10, 2023


It looks more like multiple companies were needed to pin the individual. I don’t expect any company to not comply with legal requests. My understanding is this is why it’s important to know what information a company retains.

For my own use, I have used Proton just to mitigate being a source of ad info and to get better service. I’m not interesting enough to overthrow anything.

All of my local gyms in my last 3 areas have been super pricy. Like $75-$150 a month. It may not seem high, but when you can get a franchise membership for $10-$30, it’s a hard sale.

I have had luck with specialty stuff though. Yoga is common to have discounts and decent pricing if that’s anyone’s jam.

Is € 251.88 the estimated loss in revenue? I would like to say that it only makes sense if you assume the user will be on the platform either way, instead of just not paying and leaving. However, my experience with others makes me believe they will take whatever option to get to what they want.

I think it’s a situation for policy but, at least here in the US, our policy makers aren’t in the ethical or learned position to be effective.

What I’m saying is, the boat has holes and I’m concerned.

Since everyone else is piling on negatively, I appreciated your friendly reminder.