🌿 Vegan 🌿

🏳️‍⚧️ She/Her 🏳️‍⚧️


  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


What’s the OS we can’t talk about?

A saving grace in terms of browser engines. They are the only real competitor to Chromium.

Why does the lack of CalDAV make it useless for Android? The app works just the same as Google Calendar on my phone.

But if you want to create another email address, you get a handful of custom ones for free with the subscription too. You can revoke these the same way, so you can have a professional looking email to hand out to people that’s not auto generated, without giving out your account’s root email address.

These addresses are not as easily revoked, you have to contact support if you want to remove them.

I wish the forwarding with email aliases would function a bit differently. Right now the alias is set as the recipient in the email and I wish you could set the recipient email to whatever email you want (like one of the additional emails you can set in Proton Mail) because the way it is now it makes my general filters useless and I would have to add even more filters.

Edit: I created a suggestions on their feedback site here: https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/953584-proton-pass/suggestions/48496442-show-use-forwards-to-email-as-recipient-in-forwa if anyone cares to vote for it.

I was wondering why Ecosia didn’t give me any search results yesterday. Well, now I know.

Do you have a link to that guide of yours?

One step closer to DLSS frame generation on Linux

One day I said that in the future I will only be available via Signal. If not there then there is still SMS. And so far everyone I have contact with regularly installed it eventually.

I was talking about law making not you specifically.

Waiting for the perfect solution that might never come without doing anything in the meantime accomplishes nothing.

You are going to want to enable DLSS or FSR.

That was going to be my next question if DLSS is now working in Linux

What is the state of raytracing on Linux?
What is the state of raytracing on Linux. Does it work on new games that are released with raytracing. Does the game have to be native or does it work through Proton? Is the performance comparable? Better? Worse? Is it only working for AMD? Only for Nvidia? Both? (Neither?)