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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Pay with Monero, set up a VPN, buy a phone specifically for the service. I doubt you can get any more anonymous than that. Cellular networks are by default monitored by governments, there is nothing a provider can do about it. But encrypting the traffic and getting a new phone should make that type of monitoring relatively useless. And if you never give your identity to the provider, they simply can’t know who you are.

While Apple’s products indeed are a bit less than compatible with privacy, it does not mean the owner of such products can’t care about it. Maybe they just recenty got into it, or have to use their products for some Apple-only feature that is essential for them.

You can play HotS without Battle.net, you’ll just have to input your credentials manually whenever you start the game. Alternatively, contrary to Steam, you can just kill Battle.net after it has updated and launched the game.

If by “regular” you mean Keepass 2.0, then there is a plugin for TOTP.

Ducks are learning to gaslight people. Fascinating.

As far as I know, there is no way around making a backup. Titanium Backup may help with moving your apps, you’ll probably have to deal with other files with your favourite file manager.

Why, though? I used both and I wouldn’t say one is strictly inferior to the other.

That is solvable, though.


Doesn’t take much time to get used to, and it does most things VS does.

Nobody asked about ditching Windows, though.

But if you are really interested, for me it’s VR games.

Might be just your OS language? It’s pretty easy to detect with JS and many websites rely on it to supply the most relevant page.

I’m perfectly aware of what I’m talking about. He lost control of company’s shares to government-affilated people and they fired him. What an unpredictable turn of events. I don’t really care if it happend due to stupidity or malice, considering the amount of public stunts he pulled off at the time, I doubt you can call his course of action straightforward.

Even when he was fired, they did it with his own resignment notice he submitted as April Fool’s joke. The guy is a literal clown, I have no idea why you’d entrust him with your data.

The company’s CEO is Pavel Durov, the very clown who built russian alternative to Facebook, VKontakte, and then practically sold it to russian government with all it’s users. And russian government, being itself, repressed anyone who liked “wrong” stuff there. So, Durov being no stranger to selling things to governments, in my opinion, deserves zero trust.