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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 29, 2023


Ah yes, let me just type into a search engine a search for all of the things that I don’t know that I don’t know about…

damn, we really shouldnt discuss things that have happened in the past.

Hmm. Thats a neat feature. I love signal.

it seems like if you are interested in private, Lemmy isn’t really a great place?

It strikes me that the lemiverse is basically self doxximg with no ability to get rid of the data. I mean I don’t really know what gwts logged but it seems like it’s never gone via federation.

So we have to pick and chose our battles. I’ve got bigger issues than multi millionaires being allowed to trade stocks.


Ha you wish. There will be a 3 minute unskippable pre-role.

You could just get a doorbell and have a local camera with an ‘on’ event.

I’m trying to get some aspects of the smart home built out but its a lot of doing it myself.

I mean, I don’t think that view is backed up by the previous 400 years of human history. I think they’ve effectively been able to capture the levers of society, the ability to lobby and manage government being a very material one. I think ‘the people’ are about a decade or less of being completely boxed out of having any meaningful influence on government, if not there already.

We’re eventually going to lose this fight. The ability for a group of corporations to lobby is inexhaustible. We can only resist for so long, so many generations. Eventually, they win.