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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 29, 2023


It may depends on your rom/os brand. On my device (oxygen os 13.x), I can restrict access somewhere deep into mobile network settings (the translation may not be good as I have it in French) :

Settings > mobile network > data consumption > network access.

And here I see all apps. I can restrict mobile network, WiFi or both.

Currently florisboard doesn’t have prediction nor autocorrect prediction.

Due to complications in the development of that feature (either too heavy to run or not smart enough for prediction…) and the development of the app got stuck, until maybe recently where it seems to get some dev attraction on some topics.

Tho the prediction is still stuck. So you won’t have yet prediction or smart things in this keyboard.

Florisboard git > discussions (in the menu should be after pull requests)

An adblock dns, something like nextdns, or others won’t do anything to harm you Internet speed. They are just resolving a dns query, and saying nothing or no to a blocked query.

It can catch what cannot be blocked by an adblockers on the device, because outside of the website or something.

I don’t know about pihole tho.

You can replicate the nobara distro by installing some software and switching some things, but there are some hurdles.

For example installing the codecs to be able to play proprietary or manage proprietary codecs for softwares which rely on the system to do so is a bit of a mess currently (vlc can read without the system) :

The tutorial on how to do so is, well outdated. It works until it doesn’t because it’s missing a command to switch from the fedora open source only ffmpeg to the one containing the proprietary software one.

After a bit of research I got to it, but it was a bit of a head scratching moment.

For the rest, well there are some modifications to the kernel too it seems, but the performance boost is still low.

For the rest well it’s software that can be easily installed (steam, wine and other related, …).

Tho I made the mistake to use an outdated tutorial on how to install nvidia drivers for fedora. In fact it’s very easy. I just had to install it from the store, the nvidia package… Tho it runs in hybrid mode by default, I think I installed an extension on gnome to easilly switch between these modes.

Ubuntu is a bit of a between good and meh distro nowadays : It is well maintained and up to date enough, with the gnome desktop. So good enough.

However they push their own “proprietary” (at least for the servers), packaging format : snap. Currently it’s OK, but also a security nightmare.

Anyone can put software on there, it is not checked for malware, and there is very little official support from devs, so often it’s community packages, which obviously aren’t to be always trusted.

There are a bit similar issues with flatpak. But at least it’s open source. Tho not sure on how the official flatpak repo is checked for malware, if it even is.

For native packages (apt-get for Ubuntu as example) (not in their snap or flatpak containers), it is often maintained by trusted people in the community or companies. So the software is checked and more trustworthy.

Linux mint and pop os are based on Ubuntu, and so also use apt. But they don’t force snap packages if you like to stay on something you experimented with.

Other distros like fedora (or nobara) can use other packaging formats. Dnf for them. It works about the same, however as they don’t use the same packaging, they are not directly compatible with .deb files (often proposed by companies which software wasn’t put in a repo).

However, the flatpak community is also often here to get all these things working smoother. So for example discord isn’t available natively on fedora, but it is available from in flatpak.

For less work and nice interface on a laptop, I can suggest Pop OS. Tho you would still need to install software and tools.

It is using gnome, but you can install extensions to change how the desktop appears.

Gnome is pretty good for laptops and supports gestures pretty well.

Pop os has already installed extensions allowing switching for optimus and they have an ISO with nvidia drivers already installed.

How optimus switching works on Linux is : There are 3 modes :

  • integrated (nvidia disabled)
  • hybrid (intel used, Nvidia available at very low power constantly. Nvidia gpus cannot be disabled in this mode. It uses more power than integrated becauset the nvidia gpu is running at low power)
  • dedicated (nvidia gpu, highest power consumption)

In hybrid mode, When you want to use the nvidia gpu in games or something which cannot auto detect the gpus in it’s configuration, you need to launch it with an argument to get it to run on the nvidia gpu.

For games, i suggest to use proton-ge on steam, by enabling the compatibility in the settings. Proton-ge has enhancements compared to default proton with automatic launch of gamemode (additional software to be installed), already integrated fsr 1… It is also available for other software (heroic launcher (gui for legendary)/legendary (epic games & gog) with Wine-GE, and specific versions for Lutris…

For garuda Linux, when i tried it, it was a trash experience. I wasn’t even able to install wine because it wanted to remove the audio driver (pipewire if I remember), and obviously not tested by the devs. Wine was installing perfectly fine on other distros.

And as said in another comment, no idea for nobara, I couldn’t boot into it.

As other comments suggested too, Linux mint is a good one too. The switch between gpu config isn’t made through the power menu, but through the nvidia panel for that distro.

However I don’t like it very much for dual booting, because even if I make another efi partition, it still writes to the windows partition. So when I delete the linux mint partitions, I still have a Linux mint entry lingering in the bios. I uses cinnamon as a desktop. It works great too. Tho not sure how well it got updated to gestures compared to gnome.

Well Wayland support and performance may vary. For Wayland to work well on nvidia the most recent software is needed.

Wayland support would get better with a bit more time. Wine has pushed updates in the latest versions for better Wayland support.

For gaming, X11 would work maybe a bit better for performance, however it could also have evolved fast and performance of Xwayland be better rn.

I wouldn’t say you need to avoid Wayland, but rather test how it works. On distros shipping Wayland and X11, you can often switch between them at the login screen.

For nobara, well it would be interesting and an “easy” start to fedora. Tho I tried to install it, and I never got to boot into it, while I installed fedora without any issues. Not sure if I made a mistake or an incompatibility with my laptop.

The issue with fedora, is that software without gui aren’t available in the gnome store. And only installable though command line with dnf or flatpak. Also the fedora forum help online is a bit of a desert, or soo old that it doesn’t apply anymore. Tho it could have evolved since I tried it. However the fedora support page is pretty good, tho it is missing some things on first install for some things. However Nobara would have already got all those issues dealt with.

If you have no experience with Linux, I’ll suggest to first discover with a distro, then when you feel a bit more comfortable to try other compositors. Using non “common” compositors may create bugs which may not be very much discussed online. So it can be a bit discouraging for a new user.

There seems to be a discussion tab for questions on the git page, but it seems a bit dead in there…

I did find a possible answer in the issues but I don’t know what it really means.

| PS: RECORD_AUDIO? Voice input?

Yes, exactly. But it’s only available on devices having a STT service inbuilt (so with Google services), so I don’t know if it actually works, lol.

Fronm this I guess it either used Google online, or some local voice to text included in the Google services.

Then maybe I can make you discover a very nice tool : Winget or chocolatey whichever you want to use. They both can be used in cli.

However, I personally like the WingetUI software. Nice looking and supports winget, chocolatey, scoop and other. It also automatically checks for updates. It can either give you a notification, or maybe even auto update. Tho I’m not sure if it would solve your complete reinstall each time.

To install wingetUI : Search for powershel > open without administrator privilege > type “winget install wingetui” > enter. Follow and read.

Once installed you ca launch it and choose the sources (I recommend selecting winget and chocolatey at least, I like winget better than chocolatey as version numbers are closer to the real one). it also auto updates on launch.

And to install it, just search for it :

You can also install though winget or chocolatey without wingetui, but you’ll have to update manually through the cli.

I like Firefox mostly because it’s cool to have engine competition. I mostly use the default dark theme. It looks good enough for me. I don’t look much at the top when browsing.

On android it’s still lagging behind the chromium competition. And having mismatched browsers isn’t great for syncing. So I just use Firefox on android too, good enough.

Tho, if miss matching wasn’t an issue, personally I think I would use Kiwi browser. It’s an open source chromium browser which supports chrome extensions.

Most of the time, the cache is limited in space. Unless you need the 1-1.5gB of space, it won’t affect much.

As much as I disagree on paying 10$/m for a search engine, I will disagree with your take on their data sharing.

In their privacy policy https://kagi.com/privacy , they state that they collect logs :

  • Kagi server identification, configuration, and performance (CPU, RAM, etc.)
  • Identifiers that tell us what code paths were taken
  • Time measurements of individual steps of request fulfillment
  • Summaries of requests made to third parties

Absent from our logs are any identifying information about your client

Tho I’m not sure how they could fulfill these purposes :

  • Prevent abuse of our product from bad actors (DDOS, etc.)
  • Detecting abuse of our platform

With only logs on how the serice îs used anonymously.

They do send the logs to Sentry for analysis. But without any search query, from what they say.

I can partially confirm this.

The hdd is too slow for recent games. Tho older games do work fine on it.

Recent games, mostly AAA ones have a lof of texture streaming with hevy textures. So they wouldn’t be able to load them in time and either generate lag or missing textures.

Older games, even AAA, designed for ps4/xbox one generation don’t seem to need as much drive speed.

For file verification, maybe, tho it wouldn’t bother me much if I didn’t have space on an nvme drive.

For me, Nextdns. It’s mostly because I can choose which list is used by the dns blocking. If adguard has a lost blocking what I use, I can’t do anything about it. Or maybe like allow a lot of domains.

Using the Hagezi pro++ list currently and it works damn well without any issues for me.

Also, there is a free way to use it (not sure about adguard).

Yeah, just got there as I am doing things in the meantime.

Would the IP address and search results be able to be put back together? Wouldn’t a lot of IP Adresses be sent at the same time reducing the possibility of linking an ip address to a search result?

Any sources please?

I have this https://ecosia.helpscoutdocs.com/article/377-ip-addresses

When communicating your searches to Bing to provide you with results, we never communicate your IP address together with your search queries.

And this : https://www.ecosia.org/privacy

For example, when searching for “tree” on Ecosia we forward the following information to our partner, Bing: IP address (to a separate fraud detection server, so your search term and IP address are never sent to the same server), meta-data on your device that is necessary for the result like screen size, search term, and some settings like your country and language setting.

If you choose to enable “personalised search”, Ecosia sets a Bing-specific “customer ID” parameter to improve the quality of your search results. You can also choose to enable this feature by modifying your user settings.

The search request and IP are sent to separate servers and with different goals.

Mot likely the IP is sent to Bing to detect if it’s bot. That way Ecosia can know when to send a captcha.

And the search request is sent by Ecosia without the IP or identifying informations.

I use Ecosia, because plant trees.

It’s good enough and private enough (when the do not track is enabled).

It uses Bing for it’s results. Tho it has a heavy incline toward articles instead of forums when searching for an issue. Unless specified in the search.