I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 13, 2023


The only ads I see are physical ones on the sides of the road and in stores. All the rest I either block or manage to avoid by some other means.

I have two but I’m still seeing ads everywhere.

Or just go to a different gas station instead of vandalizing property that’s not yours.

Advertising is among the most studied psychological phenomenoms in the world. It’s not so much about getting you to buy their product but more about you remembering the brand. Ads work. That why they’re everywhere.

Sure I can name several brands that I’m not buying from either because of their ads… …but I remember the brands.

In Finland our equivalence to Wal-Mart also sells cheap gas and they have ads on their pumps advertising their own products but it’s just on the display and there’s no sound with it.

Some people are actually interested in seeing pictures of someone else’s baby?

Aren’t most of them like that? The one I have records when the car is on and turns off when it’s not. It basically has no features at all except for the capability to record video and audio. Made by Garmin.

I don’t undestand the need to have an app for stuff that works just fine on browser. In my books less apps is always better. The desktop and mobile version of Lemmy on browser gets the job done perfectly and is way more polished looking aswell.

Yeah. I’ll like every video I watch and comment too every now and then.

I got that too like two weeks ago. Updated the “quick fixes” filter list and haven’t seen it since.

Remove your custom rules for youtube. Make sure you don’t have other adblockers such as the one build into the youtube enhancer add-on and if you’re using Firefox, as you should, disable the enhanced tracking protection for youtube (in the address bar) Other than that just make sure you keep uBlock Origin up to date since they update the adblocking detection script atleast twice a day. Just click the clock icon in the “quick fixes” section and click update. No need to update all your filters every time.

Privacy on a device that’s connected to the internet and cellural network is bit of an oxymoron. There’s ways to configure it to be slightly less intrusive but not by much. These tweaks are equivalent to taking off your hi-vis vest; you no longer stand out from a mile away but you’re still visible.

I disabled all extensions while trying to fight against that pop-up and I realized YouTube is almost unwatchable even with adblocker if you don’t have sponsor block. How someone can sit thru the ads and sponsored sections just blows my mind. As if sitting on youtube watching videos isn’t already waste of your time enough.

If you advertise yourself as a “privacy browser” then you need to have absolutely spotless track record. Brave doesn’t, so even if their browser is objectively good, I just don’t care. They have demonstrated that they can’t be trusted and that why I’ll stick with Firefox.