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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Not entirely their call. I have little sympathy for the likes of Sony, Samsung et al but they’re also beholden to the entertainment industry which is very VERY pro-DRM (and the like). Open Source standards will make it much harder to lock down TVs and make it easier to pirate shit (or, you know, actually fully own your TV and do whatever the fuck you want with it). They won’t be dropping those ‘calls’ any time soon, not unless pissing off the entertainment industry worked out as more profit.

I’ve have never once had my credit card details stolen or lost money because I hd an account ‘hacked’ or whatever. And yet, my family and in laws regularly have the card details stolen. They’re completely oblivious to the link between their lack of privacy considerations and getting their data stolen. So even significant real world impact still doesn’t change some people’s behaviour 🤦🏻‍♀️

If only I could even get the original in my country (New Zealand) 😔

And do what with it? Embrace, Extend, and then Extinguish it nd screw people over even more?

But by the same token I also wouldn’t put it past Nintendo and Sony to make backroom deals with Unity. And bonus if it screws over the competition.

This is my issue too. Yes, there are some things that are absolutely dangerous and some things that are completely nuts. But not all conspiracy theories, for example, are crazy. Some are actual conspiracies. That aside it’s a dangerous precedent to set when someone is picking and choosing what to show or not show and removing the ability of others to decide for themselves.

Many governments, organisations, companies, etc. can be above board, but they don’t always stay that way. Others are dystopian in their obsession with power and control. Its not always obvious what’s what when censorship and curation of results are going on.

And frankly, sometimes the ‘facts’ turn out to be wrong. Our reality is that we live in a world where profit and greed drives information and trends, where late stage capitalism leads to more exploitation and all of this is helped by bias, fraud, science for sale and yes, censorship.

I cannot trust a company or organiation that censors search results because quite simply it means I can’t tell if they’re covering over anything else and what that anything else could be.

Much like the parable of the boy who cried wolf. You’re either 100% above board and trustworthy or you’re not.

We have a physical Steam Link (and a Steam controller) that we bought way back when Steam Link was fairly new. Now an Android TV that has the Steam Link app which is also pretty nifty. But since discovering Moonlight and Sunshine, we’ve been using that exclusively because it runs so much smoother.