25 | he/him | Wiradjuri | Junior Vice President of generallyrubbish dot net

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2022


The eSafety commission argued that “well everyone just uses VPNs anyway so it won’t matter”

This is just an ad for something called PrivateLINE (no relation).

What’s your use case? Likeminded techie friends? Family members?

Signal works well as an alternative to the likes of Telegram and WhatsApp, even if it still requires a phone number and is centralised. Far easier to explain to the family instead of “oh well you can sign up on this website or this website or that website”.

Granted, if you want to host a small Matrix server just for the family, then go for it.

Probably, she uses Windows 10 at work.

I second this.

Had to fix up mum’s laptop and she wanted Windows 10 with all the Microsoft Office gubbins (she had to settle for Libreoffice). Didn’t want a word of anything Linux because “it might not work with any of my stuff”. I don’t know of a single thing she does outside of web browsing and typing up word documents.

You just can’t change some people.

There’s no money in privacy.

Harvesting and selling personal information is practically a continual source of funds with little to no cost. Why spend time and money developing a product with all the data harvesting elements stripped out to appeals to maybe 5-10% of the market?

I think they’re referring to Epic selling Bandcamp off to SongTradr which also came with a staff cull including a ton of unionised staff.

It would be nice to see a few more distro options for GPD’s machines, especially considering Ubuntu MATE is the only real option for ones like the Win 2. Anything else is a pain to install due to all the weird hardware they use.