• 1 Post
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2021


Sounds like you want a proper backup solution. Take a look at borg backup, a tool that supports encrypted, deduplicated, compressed, incremental backups. You can even directly save to your cloud via protocols such as ssh, s3, etc.

Try installing nvidia-dkms. It is better integrated into the kernel, so you may have better luck with it. Also make sure to read the xorg page on the arch wiki if you are going to stick with arch.

Can’t include any proprietary code, so using the google sdk would invalidate it I believe.

You already have a plethora of great suggestions for improvements to make, so I won’t leave any more, but rather offer some advice. It can be daunting to go all in and sacrifice the conveniences you currently enjoy. This is why I recommend you change your behaviour and software in a piecemeal fashion. Change only a few (or even one) things at a time and get used to it. Once you are comfortable with where you are at, then introduce more improvements. This approach will help prevent you from getting overloaded or burnt out, resulting in you going back and compromising your privacy. Good luck!

PSA: How to fix the 2.0 update for Cyberpunk 2077 (GOG version)
The answer is one dll that gets loaded that causes the game to crash on startup. Go to $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/GOG Games/Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x86/ and rename GameServicesGOG.dll to GameServicesGOG.dll.bak (or delete it if you like to live life on the wild side). Now enjoy playing the update! This was tested on Arch using AMD and latest mesa.

There are public instances you can use, or if you want it locally hosted, there is wsl2. (Alternatively, join the dark side and install linux!)

Meanwhile Linux distros will just package the non-blocklist version and French citizens will end up bypassing the restriction by accident!