28F, she/her - Seattle - Drive stick, use Linux, do praxis. Don’t call me unless I gave you my number
I think for most privacy nuts it comes down to “I don’t trust them and it’s closed source. They could be hiding anything in that code.”
And then there’s the people who can’t afford or won’t spend the money it takes to have an enjoyable Apple experience. It genuinely costs multiple thousands of dollars to get into the Apple ecosystem and then it’s massively painful to get out. It’s basically just “corporation bad” because corporations are bad. The only way to be truly private is to not carry a phone at all and use only FOSS solutions.
This is also just a few days after Durov published Nazi dogwhistles in the latest Telegram update blog post.
Your perspective stated above doesn’t align with my idea of someone who would be politically active. I’m glad you are fighting the good fight instead of simply participating in slacktivism, and I wasn’t trying to imply that you personally did nothing. I’m implying that your stated perspective above discourages action by instilling a sense of hopelessness.
I am also politically active although not to the degree you are; I participate in protests and mutual aid as well as other smaller forms of political activism. I do as much as I can given my mental health, which is an ever increasing amount as I grow and heal.
If you are participating in politics, you should know that perspective and optics are massively important. Saying “we’re all doomed and there’s no point!” can be harmful, actually. Maybe it helps motivate you, but for most people it’s disheartening.
If you have terabytes of data in iCloud, use their mail, contacts, photos, everything? Plus decades of purchased content, expensive devices losing functionality by dropping the iPhone… you have to basically replace everything with something else and it’s tedious especially for a less techy person. This is the reason walled gardens are anti consumer.