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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 26, 2023


Inwas just looking at these a few days ago and I think there are two companies, Pebblebee and Chipolo. I read the Google network is opt-in (probably a good thing privacy wise but not great for tracking) so they’ll only ping off other phones that have opted in to the network. Samsung has their SmartTag, and Amazon has something as well.

Seems pretty sleazy if you’re the one instigating the challenge and then running away by blocking someone if they respond to you. Furthermore, you created an entire strawman argument with your initial reply as if the Democratic party is filled with a bunch of saints that are above reproach. This is exactly what MAGA supporters do when people criticize Trump which is why I bring up sycophants and echo chambers because that’s exactly how those people wound up in the state they’re in.

Great analogy but how does that even remotely apply to this scenario where you replied to someone else’s comment and then didn’t like the response followed by someone telling you to just block people when they aren’t part of your in-group of folks who think exactly like you?

This is social media not a dinner party and this is exactly how people wind up in social media echo chambers.

I’m 99% sure there are laws that specifically protect politicians from having their information exposed.

As if surrounding yourself in an echo chamber of sycophants is the better solution. It sure works well for MAGA folks.

The only Dem I know who even bothers to talk about this stuff is our local senator Ron Wyden. Apart from that, most seem satisfied with the status quo.

The first part I’m sure about because I had to create a bookmark of a line of javascript that would bypass the on-screen keyboard and allow you to autofill the password. It was sometime in the last 3 or 4 years that they finally joined the 1990s and updated it

Don’t worry this is easily solved by sending a fax of your drivers license Mo-Fr between the hours of 8:05am and 8:09am

Banks aren’t much better. Up until just a couple years ago, the Treasury Direct website (to buy bonds/etc from the US Treasury) forced you to use a god damned on-screen keyboard to input your password and the passwords were not case sensitive. I’m pretty sure it also only read the first X number of characters of your input because I recall that people tried typing extra characters after their passwords and it would still accept it as valid, though I could be conflating this with some other archaic site.

If we’re talking about US citizens entering the US, AFAIK they have no right to deny you entry.

How ableist of you to assume that we could read your reply.

I don’t think so. I’m assuming this would be more common in a programming type industry. We’re more of a R&D type manufacturing facility.

This is a large corporation and they laid off all the IT staff a few years ago in favor of outsourcing it to some far-off company.

No everything is managed by IT due to IP concerns. We don’t even have privileges to install programs on the computers.

It’s all we can use at work besides Edge which is just a reskinned Chrome.

On my personal devices it’s 100% Firefox as they have great features like sharing pages between devices and extensions on the mobile browser.

Seems like this one is in good company then.

There are numerous other popular search engines out there though.

Being skeptical of anything online isn’t really a bad thing IMO. There’s so much garbage to wade through.

Finally a good use of the “I did that” Biden stickers.

I bet it’s from people picking at it and the paint chipping off the sharp edge, but it does also look like the hole was drilled on a Friday afternoon by a guy who probably should have retired 10 years ago.

You can’t buy a home either or else there will be a public record of your name and address.