• 4 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 18, 2021


Even despite they require active cooling? Didn’t know, cool! Now the only downside is size.

Sure, but I usually run emulators and open source ports, so with an ARM I would have more battery life.

Cool, the more Linux-based handhelds, the better! I would prefer a handheld with RK3588S, but this one is interesting too.

Looks like the package requires cmake, but actually uses only make.

But I hope that this PR will be merged soon: https://github.com/phoboslab/wipeout-rewrite/pull/11

I wish we could live in a world where we could improve things freely…

I also have the original PinePhone and bought Pro because the original is to slow :) Pro is way faster then the original, but is still slow compared to modern phones.

Yes, the controller is pricy. I tried buying GameSir X2 Pro first. It works with the original PP, but can’t charge and play with the Pro. I talked to megi about it and he said that the issue in the gamepad. Also it doesn’t have a headphone jack. So I sold it and bought a Backbone.

Playing on my PinePhone Pro on ArchLinux using Backbone One controller. Some missions are super hard because the game does not have any aim heper for gamepads. The game runs mostly smooth, but sometimes I experience small yet noticeable FPS drops depending on the weather and time of day.

When I bought a PC I just dd-ed the Arch from my notebook. Works just fine.

Looks interesting. I tried only Box64/86. Wondering how this will compare.

It’s Backbone One controller. Works out of the box (including pass-through charging and USB audio), but some applications don’t detect buttons correctly, so I remapped them using xboxdrv.