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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 13, 2023


One of the biggest rules in IT is always have a backup.

A cashless society has no backup.

Same reason you need an email server, not everyone is online at the same time.

Closest I’ve seen to something truly serverless is plebbit, which is a Reddit/4chan clone using ipfs.

I don’t trust this grifter after he tried to rewrite the definition of open source.

mCaptcha can be self hosted https://mcaptcha.org/

It’s technically not a CAPTCHA, for the pedantic, but it serves teh same purpose.

This isn’t surprising, it wasn’t that long ago one of their executives said he opposed gay marriage. They absolutely just see their users as cash cows.

The deal has always been that targeted advertising is how you pay for a free service.


The adverts on free websites for a very long time were not targeted.

mCaptcha is a proof of work pseudo-captcha, it won’t block bots completely, but it heavily rate limits them and makes them computationally expensive to run.

bots creating fake accounts: decoy email and password fields on your registration form helps reducing the number of fake accounts.

could this cause accessibility issues for screen readers?

May as well get in early.

Julian Assange didn’t kill himself.

Bots can buy phone numbers, hell, they can solve most captchas better than humans.

There’s a reason why Telegram is flooded with bots, Signal as of now has not been.

Telegram requires a phone number, so it clearly isn’t working.

It was the original purpose of the bitcoin algorithm to limit spam.

If you have to do a lot of maths that takes your computer (for example) 30 seconds, that means it costs 30 seconds of compute to create an account. Nothing to an average user, for a spammer that wants thousands of accounts it gets expensive.

Several captcha[0] libraries already use this and it’s great for accessibility (normal captchas are terrible for it)

[0] I know, it’s not technically a captcha.

It’s doing an absolutely terrible job of stopping spammers.

They could just stop requiring phone numbers, which would be a lot more privacy friendly.

I think I need to clarify.

I support mask wearing, I wore one despite being legally exempt on health grounds (autism).

The fact is covid is still here, if anything wearing masks at a large scale gathering like a protest is still a very good idea on health grounds, especially for those with weakened immune systems, the unvaccinated, etc. It’s utterly mad to ban a protection device you once mandated when the problem it protects from never went away.

First they force you to wear masks in public, then they ban it. Fucking clowns.

Conservatism is about preserving the status quo. (As opposed to reactionaries that want to restore the status quo ante)