You wouldn’t download a car.

wiki-user: RandomLegend

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


hm interesting. I also use yay but i don’t get a yay folder in my .cache dir after the failed installation

Yup it immediately picked up my Nvidia GPU and let me handle it’s temp curves and case - fans based on it like a charm.

Just uninstalled fancontrol-gui and gotta keep this one^^

I’m on a sff case and the GPU is often times the most hot thing in this so i need to control my case fans based on the Nvidia temp instead of CPU temp or something else.

Nice find, i install it right now and compare it to fancontrol-gui

fancontrol-gui is nice and all… but it’s annoying sometimes and it doesn’t automatically recognize my NVidia GPU.

I’m getting the error people posted on the AUR about this. How can i implement your patch? I never modified some AUR package

interesting. i WAS on the latest version as of yesterday and it didn’t work. I had to downgrade to 535 for it to work again.

Garuda, Hyprland, VRR on

What did fix it? Did you downgrade or is there already a fix out?

I used it for quite a while

I switched to kagi recently and never been happier

Only used fire dragon and it shows the same

If someone can help me fix a major issue I have with Firefox I’d love to switch.

I heavily use the per-application sound volume in pipewire on my Linux PC.

Firefox will reset whatever volume I have set as soon as I pause a video and resume it a couple seconds later.

I have a deej board and use that to control the application volumes.

Firefox makes it simply unusable for me…its a known bug and Mozilla just doesn’t give a fuck…

You can add apps to that pop up sidebar on s23

I would love to find an alternative that can automatically start on the lock screen as soon as I pull the pen out.

I have a s23 ultra and that’s such a handy feature

Not only nicer looking, but comes preinstalled with multiple repos

Installed it, and uninstalled regulär fdroid itself

The OP was about the stReamdeck, but @Piratepower42 started talking about the steamdeck because I guess we mentioned steam earlier?

I understand where you’re coming from with this, but i disagree.

The steamdeck as it is right now, doesn’t have to do that. It’s not meant to be a PC. It’s meant to be a handheld console that can also function as a PC. It’s main purpose is to open steam handheld, and play games from your steam account.

The people who would use this thing as their main PC would have the technical know-how to configure it to boot into desktop mode without steam open.

I agree with you, but on the other hand i can see why people might think you call it trash…unlucky wording.

Blender, obs, firefox, element, libreoffice all have big open source backgrounds and philosophies. Steam just went full on linux mode with the steamdeck - So that those all look and feel fantastic are no wonder. VS Code; Obvious aswell - Linux is the most popular OS to program on and even Microsoft uses it… so that they make a nice version of it also no wonder. Linphone, idk

But all of these comes from big markets and the companies you listed here (besides microsoft and steam) are the “alternative”. Firefox the alternative to chrome, element to discord, etc.

The streamdeck, is a niche market. It’s not used by “that” many people. Yes it’s popular, but far far far away from being as often used as firefox for example. So that the company that has closed-source backgrounds in a niche market where literally no alternative exists doesn’t provide a nice UI for the alternative OS… no wonder.

And btw, you were dogpiled on because you called the project trash… Not because you were asking yourself why it doesn’t look as good as on windows.

Most of big companies don’t bother to make UIs for linux. You will come across this more often in the future.

Community-made is the way to go in 90% of usecases on linux. And i had so much more fun and success when using those programs, compared to the official windows counterparts. Because bug reports or feature requests i made on github for those projects, actually get answered by the programmers. They actually talk with me, listen to what i want to say, and in many cases even fulfilled my wishes for features.

I never ever in my life, had a programmer from a big company answer my feature requests… This was the moment i realized that i prefer this so much more.

It is a massive change, yes. And most people don’t really like it in the beginning. Many people will get accustomed with it sooner or later but there will always be people who don’t want to embrace this way. And that’s okay - Windows is and always will be an alternative for those.

i don’t want the same options as i do have on windows, i actually PREFER the options on linux.

I don’t want developers wasting time in creating “oh-so-beautiful” UIs that makes things unnecessary slow and sluggish. Especially when the program we talk about isn’t even the one you primarily use; It’s the program you open once to configure, and then every now and then to add something…

In the times of ChatGPT that is absolutely capable of writing bash scripts for linux for everything you tell it to…the possibilities are endless for EVERYONE. You can find scripts for literally everything you can imagine online. And if you ask nicely in some communities so that someone writes you a quick script for whatever you need, you have everything you can imagine. More than on windows ^^

I don’t want to bash on you here, but you will see that you can do so much more with scripts on linux (and that they are quite easy to find / learn) than you can do on windows. You can automate soooooo much stuff with the press of a single button on your streamdeck. I do so with mine, it’s amazing

You still have to learn that the looks of an UI have absolutely nothing to do with its functionality.

You can asign scripts to each button, and you can write literally anything into a script. So the possibilities are endless. There is nothing you can’t do with that

According to phoronix, no issuee at all. Everything runs fine

Thanks i’ll give it a try then!

yeah the command to do that per game i figured out already, thanks again


thanks! I found the script but tbh it’s a bit over my head^^ But the solution presented by is good enough for me…yes i do have to set it up manually for each game but it works reliably and is a simple copy&paste process where i just go through my games while watching something on youtube 😀

Any way to automatically start a script before steam game launch?
So i started using [ludusavi]( and i really like it! I can just dump all my saves onto my NAS and i'm good to go. I now made two .sh files, one for `ludusavi restore --force` and one for `ludusavi backup --force` I made the global Lutris setting to exectute the restore BEFORE launching a game and backup AFTER exiting. This should then give me a steamcloud like automatism where my savegames would be always on the newest version regardless on what PC i played on last time. But this only works if i play them via Lutris. I have a steamdeck and a minipc with chimeraOS (steam gamepadui per default). I start the games via steam there, not lutris... does anyone know of some possibility to globally start a script or command before starting and another one after exiting the game in steam? Because i have quite the few non-steam games in my library and also have all my emulated games in there. That would be fantastic!