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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


Some coworkers play it and say there was a rework/update “recently”.

They also say its much better now than on release.

Do you have WSL installed? If so, you can install Firefox in it and launch with a GUI, but there’s a massive performance penalty

I would say your interpretation was a bit extreme. Nobody implied a warrant from anywhere in the world.

They didn’t require any encrypted data. Apple has your name and payment details unencrypted, as they need them to charge you.

Proton complies with Swiss law, and has to be channeled through Swiss official channels who rely the request.

So there’s jurisdiction.

Nowhere they say to m that they can’t see what your final email address and they have your logging email too.

If you have a specific quote saying the opposite, please share

No, only the ones on Proton. If you send or receive an email from outside, it’s unencrypted there.

But still, it’s little to no difference for law enforcement. They will get the real address and whichever little info Proton or the other provider has on you.

Unless you’re targeted by law enforcement, having a recovery email won’t be an issue. 99.99% of the userbase world never have a problem with this.

I get what you say, but it’s really nitpicking at this point I think.

So they will ask proton again for the address where everything is being forwarded… Not a good plan.

It would be fun to daisy chain a bazillion emails, all forwarding to each other in circles and have the cops just call yahoo 20 times.

I thought sharing the VPN was blocked and not possible. Do you remember how you did?

What does “pro-freedom” even mean? He’s clearly not pro choice for example. Most of his freedoms seem to be for corporations, the citizens only have an illusion of freedom at best.

When I read VLC I thought it was a typo. Then I searched for it. Couldn’t find any official reason, is it known it or only speculated?

This is only anecdotal, but I did go back (and stayed!) on Firefox due to the comfort and experience. When I use edge at work I miss a lot some features and usability of Firefox, very rarely I miss something of edge/chrome while on Firefox.

As a Spanish speaker, this makes me uncomfortable. Not saying you’re wrong, just… English is weird

I want to love it, but the swipe feature using the external library is OK (worse than Gboard) for English, but horrible for Spanish. I have to correct every other word.

I don’t know if it’s a library or heliboard issue, but it’s a dealbreaker.

Florisboard 0.5 is supposed to release with native functionality, hopefully works better and heliboard can use that too

It’s hard to take serious somebody whose entire Lemmy history is about supporting Brave (except maybe 3 posts?). Surely the name is even a reference to the icon.

Everyone looks good in their own comparison.

For those who know, they probably already have the right browser or extensions to have equivalent privacy. And for those who don’t, it’s easier to recommend a couple of extensions than a new browser.

For those who prefer Brave, it’s alright, but not something I would recommend.

The article mentions a single repo/app, not github as a whole.

Lying is a great way to get engagement in the post, and then see your project crash and burn.

I’m only interested in your rant in a few weeks when nobody cares.

You’re on a OnePlus; there’s always a status bar icon if the microphone is active.

This is a feature I think for all new Androids (at least pixel). BUT it does not cover all apps. System apps can hide it. Quick example, activate Google assistant voice activation. You should be seen the icon all the time, but likely you don’t.

“I’m in”

  • your TV after hacking the neighbors tv.

Joke aside, would that make it basically anonymous? Unless it’s actually sending screenshots, it will only tell “somebody around this IP is watching TV/Something from HDMI”

I’m afraid you might have misread the title… unless you’re very optimistic

Thanks for the info! I’m a happy Bitwarden subscriber, but it’s good to know.

Not 100% on board with that idea. There is no guarantee the server is not tampered. Unless you know and trust the host, Bitwarden premium is very affordable and Vaultwarden can be hosted even on free VPS. Or you can even use a KeePass fork (I’m not up to date as to what the best ones are) with any form of online sync.

Not really free, it’s bundled with paid Google one. Not saying it’s good, just not even free