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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Jan 15, 2024

  • It requires your phone number

Not anymore, right? Or does it still need your number for signing up?

Some reporter(s?) in Germany found that all the forums for CSA actually host their material in the clearnet, i.e. on Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. (since TOR speeds are shit and those people don’t watch SD videos anymore).

The police could have demanded data from the uploading accounts and that the material was taken offline. They refused to do so, in order to “catch more criminals” or something like that.

So, their “think of the children” is exactly as in the spirit of Helen Lovejoy as it seems.

Sauce: https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/panorama/kinderpornografie-loeschung-101.html

Isn’t the option to backup whatsapp data to Gdrive encrypted opt-in?

If you’d like to have a more ergonomical keyboard: thumb-key is way worth the learning curve!

Compare the production values of channels like e.g. philosophy tube and old AVGNs. Times have changed.

I thnkI wrote /s, because “just cosmetic” is already a lie.

Yeah… And microtransactions in videogames used to be “just cosmetic”. /s

So, requiring to puncture the security and privacy of your PC for a game is ok, as long as millions of players are affected. Did I understand you correctly, here?

Don’t play at first, because the game fosters toxicity like hell. Keep not playing due to the kernel-level anticheat.

It’s the other way around: no game is worth sacrificing security and privacy by giving it kernel level access.

The argument is: more and more games are running on Linux and there’s a damn good reason not to play the ones that don’t at all.