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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


We can’t discuss the post if we can’t tell what it’s even about. There’s so much shit there that it’s not clear what point it’s even trying to make.

This is one I’d say is comparing apples to oranges. They each are good and bad in different ways. The unfortunate thing is that our current government wants the UK to be more like the US which will be a net negative to everyone in the UK. For example, they’ve been gutting the NHS for years to pave the way for a privatised hellscape.

If only their single player games were available without their shitty DRM.

Windows 10 seems to be using standard ad algorithms to personalise ads. There’s the usual business that whatever data points it can gather like what you say, or search, or click on, is influencing what ads you’re seeing.

With Windows 11, it’s built from the ground up to be integrated with ChatGPT. I was sitting in a presentation months ago where Microsoft were presenting Copilot.

Your other comment below, I strongly agree with. I’m happy to be running Linux but I believe that the downsides can be configured out of your system. That being said, Divine Divinity is the only game I’ve run into so far that doesn’t play well with Wayland but that not unique to me, Divine Divinity doesn’t play well with anything.

You couldn’t get anyone to volunteer their personal information to feed this machine. Then again, people are handing over their retinal data to some shady startup so who am I kidding.

If you installed Windows 11, that motherfucker has been crawling through your system the moment you logged in.

My Wireless keyboard is a Keychron. It doesn’t have a dedicated adapter, it’ll connect to any device with Bluetooth capabilities. From what I’ve seen of how it works, is that it can store up to 3 device signatures to automatically connect to (you can choose which of the three is active). What I assume it’s storing is the MAC address which I thought is unique to the device.

Well the alternative to having to recover your account is to prevent you losing access to it which usually comes in the form of 2FA or MFA.

If you’re so protective of your personal information that you don’t want to hand over your phone number then you should be taking steps to secure your account.

Or don’t use Gmail.

Works on both my PC which runs Wayland on Arch and the Steam Deck. No glaring issues.