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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Yeah i have heard about crypto being used to get cheaper medication, but i had forgotten, so thanks for taking your time and sharing this example.

I wish you the best health possible, better and cheaper medications and people that make your life better

I think this is actually a very good example, thank you.

People from europe sometimes come a long as assholes (“wE aRe NoT iN tHe ShItTy UsA”) while ignoring that political stability is not guaranteed. Neither is democracy. Sitting here germany i look very nervously at the many countries shifting to the right and getting more authoritarian.

I pray to all gods that the times we live in wont be very interesting for historians to come…

This thread is a dumpster fire. Can someone explain to me why i should be concerned about the tracking of payments that as an average person will not happen outside of buying huge stuff like a car? While no one is forced to answer me i would like you to refrain from vague statements like “this is attacking your privacy”, because i am interested in how. If you think its obvious feel free to ignore.

I think the biggest point that i could see being a problem is the crypto stuff because i once made a anonymous donation via monero (that because i was concerned but the target needed privacy). It was about 30€ or something. Would that be illegal under the new guidelines? And if so, why would i care, since it is supposed to be anonymous.

Ohh man that one must hurt

I understand the sentiment and i hope that you will only make pleasant acquaintances. Mainly people are paranoid because of stories they have heard and red and i get it. It is quite hard to judge how real the threat of doxxing is (as in what are the chances it will happen to oneself). Having said that, i hope you keep your optimistic, open and welcoming spirit. We could use more of that in this world.