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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


That’s on the tv manufacturers though, it’s their choice.

Oh I know, but I do think anti-trust would require an erection of some sort of barrier. Say, if HDMI required that if HDMI is present, displayport cannot be.

Right now, tv makers are complete free to choose.

Doesn’t mean displayport can’t be used there.

If the tv maker wanted to not pay licensing fees, they could put a displayport on the thing. But they don’t. Their call.

That’s not the point of my comment, the point is that whatever hdmi is, it’s got very healthy competition, so there’s no real reason for anti-trust stuff

But displayport exists, is widely used and is free?

I’m pretty sure that’s kinda exactly what happened though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just that no one thought to add a logo because engineers don’t care about shit like that (at least a lot of them don’t)

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