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Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


The script extenders break with every patch. It’s the risk of using a 3rd party modding tool I’m afraid.

That said you would hope they’d work with the modding team to get it updated for release. Given how prevalent it’s use is.

It’s by definition a server client relationship.

If someone gets fired for being a piece of shit and then hired somewhere else it’s pretty fair to assume that company isn’t great. As they presumably knew that when they hired him and didn’t care.

It’s also the person running the company not some random employee.

It’s a driver.

Here the attacker installed the driver after gaining remote access.

So it’s not actually anything to do with having the game installed.

But it’s still a massive problem.

With that the attacker installed that driver after gaining access. So having the driver installed wasn’t the issue.

That’s exactly the sort of source I was asking for

Edit: the driver file was used after gaining access to the pc. So quite an involved attack but still really bad.

Edit 2: so actually it’s nothing to do with having it installed. As the attacker installed it.

It’s open source so you can literally check yourself.

It doesn’t matter who funded it if it works right?

You think government agencies have no use for secure communication technology?