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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Should have been a mantis shrimp with the gun.

They’re legitimately interested in your data.

Find better friends. I say that but my friends decided to leave Facebook Messenger group chat… for Instagram. Now they use both.

It requires a computer to install the Store app. Then you can renew on your phone and install apps without a computer. It also requires a computer is you go let your alt store app expire.

I recommend looking into SideStore instead. It’s similar to Alta store but you once you installed the SideStore on your iOS device you can manage the other apps without a computer.

I wonder if google translate through multiple languages can fm the trick?

I see I’m using Amazon toolbox and yeah it just layers a nice launcher and hides Amazon crap. Doesn’t really sets a clean android install. I would love a nuke option for these tablets.

Can this clean up my Kindle fire tablet from 2017?

If they push too much I’ll do like I do with most sites that don’t let me use my spam blocker. X <- click

Create a browser that creates a live 4K video stream of any visited page then uses AI to identify ads on the page and cover them with a solid matching the pages color.