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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Dec 22, 2023


the website that deleted half of it’s userbase over night and brought bots to the foreground is bad? Really?

as a boards lover myself, i just have to comment on this, for one, impeccable taste in music.

anyway, i tested this myself, seems fine. Have you tried disabling the watch history bullshit? It even lists a sidebar full of album related shit.

So uh, go off queen ig.

it’s not that bad honestly, it allows you to curate everything to whatever needs you have, plus writing a script to automatically archive the more regular shit makes it a lot easier.

Though yeah, you can just use something like tubearchivist.

i believe to some degree, that this is what that one youtube alternative did.

Although you could pretty easily implement this into youtube. Would be pretty cool if it was very minimal on the backend, such that people like me could also get involved. I archive yt manually, have TBs of it. Provided read access only to it and having it integrate into a global frontend would be pretty cool.

still going hard on the yt-dlp stuff it into any existing media player backend and call it a day, crowd.

Highly recommend. Works well.

yeah no, i fundamentally disagree with you though. Your argument essentially seems to boil down into “but actually, it’s not as bad as you think it is” which is a really fucking weird point to hold when it comes to this kind of stuff. That or you’re ignoring how bad it is, because of something else, which you seem to be more focused on.

I still don’t see what the point of this is. This is basically the equivalent of giving someone shit for calling out a racist because “well actually, thats what racists want, they want their shit to be spread”

ok but the thing here is that this is all still new. Owning nothing doesn’t exist yet.

Corpos would like for us to own nothing, or at the very least it seems like everything is moving that direction. I.E. we’re being put in the cage.

i’m honestly not to sure how one would go about it, i know one of my friends has done it. I would assume there is at least one open source project for this type of thing. Realistically i can’t imagine it would be that hard, there are probably writeups on people doing it already. In the most simplistic form you’re keeping spicy private keys on an encrypted flash drive. That way they’re a physical hardware item, but also physically isolated. Though you would absolutely be in a bit of a bind if you ever lost it. Realistically, changing the key and it’s encryption will solve that problem though.

I’ve recently thought of doing similar things using forward secrecy keys stored on the flashdrive itself so that way it’s always different. Similar immediate security risk there, but again changing the key is the solution. Theoretically you could also do a two part key system, where you store a portion of it on your system, and the rest on the drive, so that way in the event of compromise, they only have a portion of the key. And they still need the other part in order to do anything.

scripting wise, it should be pretty simple, you plug in the drive, automount it, rip the key out, stuff it to where it needs to go, and then remove the drive. Always make sure you have secondary backups though, whether written down or stored somewhere. Losing accounts is no fun.

I’m not a security researcher or expert though, there are definitely smarter people out there that have already talked about this kind of thing at length.

im preferential of the concept of just using a USB drive, and some basic scripting automation to trigger it.

Thats just me hating anything moderately proprietary though.

Well to be specific here. The example of learned helplessness that everyone loves citing, is when we put animals in a cage with a floor that will continually give them an electric shock that is impossible to avoid. And what is commonly seen is that the animals eventually just stop caring, become apathetic in a sense, and just wait to be shocked.

So my application of apathy here applies, and is reflected in your interpretation as well. So realistically the best way to phrase it would be “We own nothing.”

thats the thing about open source, the developer literally doesn’t have to do anything, just release it open source, someone will figure out how to fork it if they want it on linux. It’s literally that simple.

you simply respond with “because you are too scared to change your ways, afraid of learning, and scared of compromise”

People preach about how life is a struggle, and how things are difficult, and how you just have to deal with them, but the second they are presented with any sort of compromising luxury they go “uhm, no thanks, im good actually”

you could just as easily respond with “why bother with windows, when you have no freedom, what’s the point in doing anything, if it isn’t free”

learned helplessness is going “we own nothing and we’ll be happy” or more accurately being entirely apathetic to the existence of no longer having ownership.

in my experience, the vast majority of people (in tech circles) that use that phrase, are practicing what they preach.

i mean, i literally run my own server, hold 8TB of media archived locally, host numerous services for my family and friends, as well as provide them with help. I think i’m doing my part here.

I am quite literally, telling them no, by not using any of their bullshit products. I mean we’re on lemmy for fucks sake.

intrigued by the fact that this is hated so much. It’s a courteous ask, and something you probably should be doing. Especially if you can just copy and paste the majority of it.

I try to do it when possible.

well yeah, you should be familiar with the services you host, means you are competent with them, and are capable of fixing things when they explode.

I mean, would you rather have spent 50 hours learning and setting something up, becoming somewhat familiar with it, vs clicking a button and it runs. In the event that it explodes and you need to maintain something?

It’s a price that’s worth paying for, not to mention it’s not like you’ve wasted that time. It’s time that you can use to put into other things that will benefit your life. I am currently running about 4-5 services, aside from game servers, that directly benefit my life. Because i’ve taken the time to learn and understand that stuff. (all of which are free, and run on my own hardware)

Plus it gives me freedom, i’m confident and content that i could self host every service i would need to use, in the event i dont want to use outside services. It wouldn’t be pleasant to learn and or setup, but i absolutely could.

being a yt-dlp user myself, who runs a media server for mostly YT content.

I can say that google deserves it. They store like 2-3x the amount of data that they need to be storing per video. 11 files for a single video 1080p to 4k. All different bitrates, some barely different than any others. (i realize it’s for codec support, but like, seriously?)

especially when they run predatory ads, force services into youtube premium that you don’t want, just generally do not respect the creator base and certainly not the viewer base. Honestly i think google deserves to lose money right now.