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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 27, 2023


Personally waiting for the shiftphone 8. Fairphone 5 is also a possibility if you value ethics. These should be less bloated than most I believe. The pixel is nicer than most mainstream phones. As it just comes with the vendor who made Android and their proprietary bs instead of yet another layer. The best way to eliminate bloat is a custom rom. Pixel supports GrapheneOS and I believe all of them will be supported by CalyxOS. (They made a build for the newest released shiftphone)

Very rarely on other platforms like lbry and peertube. Don’t have a Google account and use a YouTube frontend

Well someones gotta go first. Nah, I’m kidding and I get it. I tried it myself with Snapchat and Discord and it was a very slow and tedious process. But I got it done. Migrated to SMS for the people that refused to adopt a new platform and since SMS is …quite bad it does get easier to convince once you’re there. Feel somewhat guilty for bothering people but I sure don’t miss the old platforms. Good riddance.

Galaxy S10+ with Magisk + crDroid. It has signature spoofing which is nice for MicroG but I eventually uninstalled MicroG and replaced it with nothing.

FlokiNET is what I use. They’re a bit more expensive than most (at least they don’t do the whois bs) but private (also based in Iceland which is a privacy plus) and do accept Monero. They’re not open-source and I do not know any that is but do utilize a good few open-source services. Great support and no bs so far. I’d recommed Njalla if even more privacy is worth the risk of losing your domain lease as it is made in their name.

Monero? I personally buy some services with it.

Yeah, the executable is what I meant. Sorry for being unclear

A “just works” distribution like Linux Mint is miles ahead compared to Windows and Tails OS is a step even further as it is only Live and routes everything through TOR.

Linux is not hard to be honest. Your main concern in difficulty is third-party software support. (Creative cloud and office 365 does not work for instance.)

If you want to try out any of these, just ask me if you need any help

How do you think it compares to Posteo? I mainly chose them because environmental awareness, privacy consciousness and usage of libre software.

I doubt what the dealer says is true. Intentionally or not. I don’t really believe cars do us much net good anyway. Public transport and biking/walking for the win.

Presearch. I don’t care for the crypto features. (I already got Monero anyway) but the concept of a decentralized search engine is interesting.

The F-Droid app? Its not distributed on GPlat officialy. Could be a trojan. On an unrelated note I would say I trust F-Droid more than GPlay too. Don’t have GPlay or Aurora atm