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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Thing is, change is hard, doubly so in the consensus driven world of Linux/FOSS.

… So if im reading this right

Move fast and break things

Move slow and fix things?

He was an NSA analyst that told us about things like 5 Eyes. He commited treason by revealing classified information because he took a stance against what he concluded was overreach and problematic behavior and decided to become a whistleblower about it

He did this knowing the punishment was death, so he found refuge which unfortunately is russia.

At this point its not hard to imagine Putin would want to convert snowden but no one who is claiming Snowden is a shill/russian asset is doing so based on any evidence, its all anecdotal and opinion because Putin would absolutely use him if he could convince him

Its like when you walk full speed into a glass door because you forgot THAT one sliding glass door DOES, in fact, exist.

Or drive away from your parking spot with food on the top of your car.

Inconsequentlycoincidently I had taken edible and also tried a new whiskey called spicebox chocolate. Its a canadian rye whiskey aged in cocoa bean barrels the label says. So im not entirely sure th at

Currently have a pixel 6 256gig

Spent about a half hour in a hot tub with it in my pocket on saturday and it shut automatically disables the usb port.

Havent had any issues with it this week

If it helps

(In a sprigen case)

I think they are saying that this person apparently drives poorly enough to warrant a huge increase in insurance and that they want people who are bad drivers to be found out, but that they don’t like the way this person was found to be a bad driver. Kind of a “while this is the result we want this is horrible, and not the way to get it.”

They are conflicted, perhaps even made conceptually(?) uncomfortable, because they see value in that persons insurance reflecting their driving history, by the fact that they see a positive outcome in this case of invasion of privacy.

That’s how i read it, not then condoning it just sharing some internal dilemma here. If my take is accurate, we should have compassion and help them through this with support not jumping to conclussions.

They very much did not suggest that they approve at all of the sale of their data only that they see a connection.

They cant ignore that people will use this as justification to continue down this path into the complete solvency of privacy…and that it may just work

I’m making a lot of assumptions to explain my take in their eyes and expanding out a bit. Admittedly i am exploring this and cannot prove anything I’ve just said