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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


But don’t you just get tired of jumping through hoops for every little thing these days?

Big tech needs to stop being evil. There, problem solved, right…right…ha

They are displacing text messaging and making it look like nothings changed.

They get more of your data, so there’s that.

If only Signal were the default messaging app!!!

Doesn’t scanning before upload imply the encryption is broken somewhere? Is that the point, to remove encryption? Forgive my naivete.

The letter opens with an admission by the collective of police chiefs that they’re unable to do their jobs unless tech companies do half the work for them.

I suppose previous generations of law enforcement that were able to do their jobs before all this does not count.

For the non tech person choosing to be as private as possible, can you just turn it off and it not collect anything? Sorry for the naive question. I honestly do not know the answer.

Is there no longer an option to use the machine without the report or connection to internet?

My digital information should have the same privacy my home does.

Authorities need probable cause to obtain a warrant to search my home, photo album, notes, or anything else.

Tech companies are not allowed to come into my private home, look through everything, cataloge all of it, then turn around and sell it.

My electronic devices should also have these same priviledges.

Imo, this is part of the problem with lack of privacy in today’s world.

People will accept this more than not, without a second thought. This leads to the taking of a little bit more until one day you are left wondering where your privacy went.

Again, this is just my humble opinion.

Thank you for the screenshot! I had no idea this had been stuck in there. Thankfully it was sent to off for whatever reason.

Im not sure…spy, dignity, respect…just does not really go together, does it!

IMO people mainly just want big tech to quit snooping on everything they do.

On the other hand, it is a lot of hoops and a large learning curve for those to whom have no idea where to start other than having big tech stop snooping.

Thank you. I will will have to check into it.

Is it truly just download and use?

I ask because I am not a tech person. I do not understand how to read or write code, what settings are the ones you need to safely change, etc.

I would happily try Librewolf if the browser is as simple as downloading