• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


You’re right but… Capitalism is a good system to chew that out of you. You touch on it in point three. Seeing how Snowden was treated was not reassuring that the electorate would back you, or the free market for that matter.

Sometimes I do wonder as a morbid curiosity if using their software could have a privacy benefit. Not to imply that they wouldn’t spy, just that they have less ability to act on the information. Like the report of a mother discussing an abortion with her teen daughter on messenger were Meta turned over the chats.

Also as a snide comment the CCCP is the Soviet Union, which is defunct now. One less C and you might improve your standing and get a television.

Just one more reason why we should be keeping companies from collecting our data and looking like anyone else to them. Typically it is argued that data is subsidizing something, but here it is directly increasing your costs.

We are proud ofyour, but your sacrifice will be in vain and not make it to the news. Pick your battles.

Why has Biden sent funds and bombs to Israel?

Congress does. Be sure to vote in those races too.

They’re arresting tourists from other countries for being pregnant?

They are not. I live in such a red state and I’m not sure I’d want yo visit as a tourist.

Then just keep stock android. You’re already reducing a lot of data collection by using FOSS. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

torrent transfers can be costly for internet service providers

If a worker said this they would be accused of being lazy.

I know about the fuzzy finders and regular expressions. The Q was why I think it is helpful and I answered that. You’re just hitting me with some dogma. You could also just know where your stuff is at and not need search tools either. Recall is a neat idea, but I don’t have confidence in M$ execution or privacy.

Yeah but recent only considers local files and you can’t ask it which one said this or that if you don’t remember. Its a good tool to keep track of a lot of things. As a student I would like that.

Same reason file manager has a recents. It helps you return to previous work. Asking it if it remembers which paper had which conclusion or graph would make being a grad students easier. Perhaps it reminds you about some deliverable you promised in an email is due is three days. I see it as a good tool to organize productivity with. Like I said no one has earned the trust this software would require.

Recall in principal is a cool idea. It is also one that M$ has not earned the trust for. I think Apple would be better received. I’m not sure I would like Apple’s recall, but they have done more to foster trust than M$.

Kinda sucks as I do like having notification of meetings, classes, and such.

I have been wondering this too. I am planning to move and am not sure how to get it working with K9 or if they will have their own official app. Perhaps I will decide to just not have email on my phone.

On a similar note, does Proton’s Calendar support the fossify and gnome ones?

I’ve been using grapheneOS and never knew the toxicity. Crazy.

I guess I mean someone in my city not the government.

I didn't know my city was cool enough to put signal flyers.

I think its value neutral. It might not collect data aggressively, but its not trying to protect you either.

It is an eye raiser, but it is also somewhat of a red herring. Tor is a very solid privacy browser that started as a government project; not sure if they are still funded today. Nothing is ever going to be a perfect solution (cat and mouse game), but it does strike me that Telegram is more concerned about features than it is about privacy.

Who says he isn’t with a personal/private account and uses the public persona twitter one for the reach. As shitty as twitter is its still the gravitational center for bursting news.

Pay us cash or data is quite corrosive. I suppose it is fair in a capitalist system where the line must go up, how do we argue this to the general public (and by extension our legislature).

Also is there a reason to believed Meta won’t sell a paying user’s data anyway?

Would you say Tor is bad because its from the US navy?

I would say living in a free society isn’t without risks.

I mean from what I gather e2ee is not on by default (and unsuppoeted in group) and is proprietary.

The link below talks about why that is; Telegram focuses on features over maximize privacy.


They often are Christians, so they apply fundamentalist style thinking and cannot challenge the assumptions they made.

So where do I get some wallpapers? I don’t really care that much how it looks. Just that it looks decent in both light/dark modes and does not clash with icons so its hard to see them.