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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Amazing video! I like how it explores the history of cheating and how anti-cheat software hasn’t gotten rid of cheaters, but only made them less obvious.

Wall hacking is obvious to other players, but a program that pulls the trigger when crosshairs are over an enemy isn’t. That leads to people thinking that cheating doesn’t exist because nobody is flying around the map only getting headshots. People are willing to install this rootkit to their machine because their lobbies don’t have cheaters. But they still do. It’s that their lobbies don’t have obvious cheaters.

Also an interesting point that Riot has done little to deal with smurfs in their games. Now players are more likely to think they got matched with a smurf rather than a cheater.

It’s like mandating all cars need to have an ignition interlock because some people drive drunk.

Some of these “segments” are concerning. “Bottled Up Stress”, “Finacially Struggling Senior”, “Reliant on Credit”

Might as well create a segment for “Easy marks for conmen”