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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


When I don’t have the time to enable sheltered apps, I use Firefox with uBlock and AutoCookieDelete to watch the links
Last time I did this was a few hours ago

Is there a limit to one-time cards

There should be something about that in the Revolut EULA or something like that. But I’ve never encountered it. The moment the payment goes through, a new card appears in the app

Can you elaborate But how private your data really is, that might be hard to answer

It’s a business. A closed source. They are of course bound by laws and regulations but there’s practically no way to make sure they aren’t selling transaction data/statistics under the table. Also, the cards issued by them are either visa or mastercard (IDR), so these companies have that info too. And I’d bet they sell transactions analytics
Then there’s also the matter of telemetry. Apart from telemetry gathered by the app for Revolut, I guess there’s no way to use it without Gapps

FWIW I did not notice an influx of spam after registering an account. But that doesn’t prove anything, of course

We can’t inspect the code of the app. So it’s probably only as private as other bank apps

most banks do not support NFC payments in their apps

Huh? All the other banks I use support it

But you’re right regarding Revolut. I just checked and I was wrong, it’s not there in the settings. I have no idea how I used it with NFC in the past, then. Most of the time I use BLIK

WDYM by source? You just open phone settings, NFC and choose Revolut to be the app to be used with NFC
If you choose to be issued physical card there probably is a way to just copy it physically into NFC but I haven’t used that
Revolut is just another bank. It’s just a little less behind the times than most

I’m not sure what “tap to pay” is and I haven’t used privacy.com. But you can attach your Revolut card to NFC in phone. Without going through Google Wallet
It also issues one-time cards that get destroyed after one use
In general it’s pretty handy, even if as pre-paid account

But how private your data really is, that might be hard to answer

access my documents on my different computers or my Android phone

I had similar setup but I was using obsidian and pcloud. Syncing up&down was done by scripts using rclone/roundsync (android). Script part might be harder to achieve using windows

But I came here to say that I finally decided to test syncthing and it’s so much easier! And just works. Now pcloud is rather a backup and sharing than gateway

Depends. I’ve found that it was able to explain to me (about Spanish) why, when and how to use this form or the other. But it won’t come up with a plan of lessons. And the level of support will depend on the amount of resources available for the language you want to learn

Search is working fast, which is nice. Unfortunately it seems to focus on articles in my language without possibility to switch to English, so 1. someone might argue this narrows down who is using it, and 2. sometimes I need to search for an article in other language.
Also, from issues on github it seems that it can be a little buggy atm

At the same time, on wikipedia, ublock sees only wikipedia and wikimedia domains. And the page even doesn’t need to ask about cookies. I don’t think wiki has a problem with privacy, per se. Of course in countries with stupid governments this might be a good idea

And I was commenting on the article. Which only has two lists and at the bottom

By enabling all of these settings, you are significantly reducing the amount of tracking and data collection these devices perform, but keep in mind that you are not completely eliminating it.

And I’m criticizing that

I can’t find better source ATM but basically its encryption is not good enough anymore

I think this article is so-so. For example

  • Display: Screen timeout: Shortest duration you are comfortable with
  • Wallpaper & style: Set your lock screen to something generic and non-personal (no family photos, etc)
  • Security & Privacy: Device Unlock: Screen lock: Strong password preferred, followed by PIN, then Pattern.
  • Security & Privacy: Device Unlock: Screen lock settings: Enhanced PIN privacy: Enabled
  • Security & Privacy: Device Unlock: Screen lock settings: Lock after screen timeout: Shortest duration you are comfortable with

These don’t affect “the amount of tracking and data collection these devices perform”. Might be good ideas in themselves, but bundling these with options that really diminish the amount of data broadcasted, washes the picture out IMO

I use it for some time now and all my browsers. I am surprised it does not have more users. In my opinion it’s easier to find what you want with startpage than duckduckgo

Maybe obsidian? It’s not open source, unfortunately, but

  • works offline
  • has android and linux clients
  • the files are markdown, so you don’t even need to export these
  • the clients render the files so it can look better than plain txt files

Adguard DNS is nice but sometimes you need to let some app pass. I’ve switched to blokada. Sadly they’ve pulled the app from f-droid but version 5 is available on github

It probably does unless you have some adblock and cookie deleter in the browser you are using. AndroidWebView is a browser too.

Also, in the topic, check out The Power of Habit. From the description it doesn’t look like it, but the second half neatly shows that there are many ways to spy on you from even before smartphones existed and easier than reading your screen or recording conversations

I tried recently and it doesn’t work for me too (AMD). I get black screen. SMAA is fine, though

Few thoughts

  1. winetricks is more a tool to easily download and install third-party libraries. For dll management I would propose to use winecfg directly (and regedit if needed) and pass it the libraries the game ships. In the logs you have lines like 014c:err:module:import_dll Library gdi32full.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\home\polaris\SSD\Chunithm SUN (SDHD 2.10.01)\App\bin\chusanApp.exe") not found without setting these, wine is looking for them somewhere in WINEPREFIX instead of current dir
  2. I don’t think you need to run the batch, probably running the commands through wine directly would work better. But for running batch files, cmd seems to be the right tool for the job
  3. since this seems to be mainly a 32-bit application, maybe you need to just create a 32bit prefix for it and run without inject_x86.exe?
  4. when trying to execute the inject_x86.exe, try passing direct paths to chusanApp.exe or make sure to be in the directory the latter sits. There is some small difference between how windows and wine handle paths