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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


I just say “If a developer isn’t good enough to get their product to work on Linux then it’s not high enough quality to use”

Good luck convincing people to change

I was asked “why bother with Linux if there is software that isn’t native on it”

Remember to use Firefox containers, then you can accept all the cookies you want and they will never see outside of the container (you have to put the website in a container though)

Read as giving them ad revenue allows them to write without doing sponsored articles

Privacy policies are there to tell you what they collect/share not to have your privacy in mind

Run it in a container but this is on the low end of what’s collected on you

That would run the risk of the user agent displaying as chromium. So you would still need to change the user agent, which I’m not sure why you wouldn’t do that to begin with

From the OP; affiliate links

I never went to the browser though because their “pay us and we’ll totally give it to the websites you want if they request it” was enough for me to avoid it


Apple TOS requires all web pages load in safari so a web browser is a coat of paint

I have come across web pages in the past that refuse to load if the user agent isn’t chrome/edge