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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 02, 2023


Thanks for the explanation. I’m considering Matrix but will hold off, at least until v1.11 or v1.12 solves the unintended CDN issue described in another comment here, cf https://matrix.org/blog/2024/06/20/matrix-v1.11-release/#continue-reading

I’m interested into the technical details, not actual URLs. How come servers cited in the video keep hosting/seeding chatrooms despite closing corresponding accounts? Is this impossible due to Matrix’s design, or is it poor moderation from server admins?

About URLs: the author is absolutely right to blur these. The only people he should be sharing this is police, or maybe admins if they’re not aware of the abuse on their server.

That’s the first time I hear of Matrix having this issue.

I’m curious to know more, but the video only cite an anonymous source. Are there evidence or more technical details available regarding this?

Scams, identity thefts, manipulation through targeted ads (eg Cambridge Analytica), malware delivered via ads

Twitter/X is such a cesspool. The end of nitter is an occasion to completely stop using Twitter, and instead go to the fediverse, subscribe to a newspaper.

I had to start using Google Messages recently because Signal dropped SMS support. It sounds like it’s time to switch SMS app yet again. Sigh.