Fuckass [none/use name]
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 30, 2023


They also need to push Linux explicitly. Something like exclusive deals or sponsoring in game events if you play on Linux. Though it might just end up like TF2 with people logging in on a new device, getting the exclusive items, and using it as a currency to trade without actually using the OS lol

Or, optimize CSGO and Dota and VAC for Linux and start using it in competitions to attract more curious minds.

Cops have been able to track people down with just unique shirts bought online. If they can track the shirt down, they can get a warrant to find the card used to establish that you’re indeed the suspect. “I don’t do bad thing” is a pointless argument, because like cops say, anything can be used against you.

I wouldn’t mind using cash, but I also don’t want to keep a bunch of money lying around my house aside emergency funds. I also don’t want to drive all the way to a bank branch or some ATM in a sketchy part of town in the middle of the night to buy something

Credit cards have also made it too easy for entire countries to rack up life ruining debt. It’s the point, I suppose.

I suppose the ultimate compromise is: use a credit card to withdraw cash (many companies allow this), and use that cash for private purchases. Though I’m not sure how chargebacks work with withdrawn cash.