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Joined 1M ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2024


Did you not see the score for my original comment? 43 unanswered downvotes. How can you sit there and tell me that there’s going to be an open and civil discussion that’ll come from with that? I’ve already had a few people throw the stone with their illogical commentary about what I’ve pictured with their frail attempts to defend their favorite browser.

And I got all of that, just from stating the original comment I said prior to the edit. But the ‘go to hell’ part was not the original comment.

So before more people jump down my neck about being civil, you ought to know what other people float about that go about antagonizing users or expecting negativity to come their way before they cry out to admins and mods, for something they gaslighted to!

Tell the assholes to keep it friendly themselves. I’m talking the fanboys. They who can’t handle differing opinions have no place in open discussion on any platform. Period.

I did but all you fucking morons are having your knee jerk reactions. It’s what I expected from dumb fucking fanboys with no lives who swear their allegiance to Firefox. Fuck you. lol

I think it’s a fair comparison. You’re just moving the field goals, is all.

I’ll take anything to get off of Firefox. I’ll give this browser a week long trial run.

You fanboys can go to hell. Defend this if you can: https://imgur.com/a/1Tr4ttb

I don’t think you’re lazy if one tiny inconvenience was enough for you to overhaul your system to get a different OS.

You know, I can think of more reasons to jump to a different OS than just a brief bit of stuttering. But you do you.