Sad soy boi beta cuck from the webbernets, planet Erf.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


Scenario time: A loved one has recently passed away, and I want to find all the photos I have of them. I would love to be able to have a local AI perform facial recognition to help me find these photos. The classification and tagging info doesn’t get fed into surveillance capitalist garbage, and I’m still able to benefit.

“What is this level of grand security…” Enumerated here:

Once manufacturers can implement those things, then you will have an alternative to Google hardware for running Graphene. I’m not telling people to trust anything, don’t put words in my mouth.

Who is PrivacyPhones and why should I believe they are in any way affiliated with Graphene?

GrapheneOS has defined a set of security standards for their operating system which have hardware requirements. These standards have been published and there have been efforts to engage with hardware manufacturers to adopt the required hardware. Blame the manufacturers for skimping on security, rather than Graphene being unwilling to compromising their values.

The security of your key is determined by the strength of your passphrase. Am I missing something?

If I remember correctly F-Droid supports reproducible builds, but it’s a matter of the app developer supporting them. So there is light at the end of the tunnel, we’re just not there yet.

Is there some signing in place to ensure it’s not a malicious repo? I don’t really trust unofficial F-Droid repos.

Awesome, thanks for the info!! I’m looking forward to building a new box in the near future, so hopefully the AMD side of things will have been sorted out by then. Much appreciated!

Side note: Jerboa is showing 3 comments, yet yours is the only one I’m seeing. Weird.

Is 4K VRR over HDMI possible on Linux?
Everything that I've been reading says that it's only doable with DisplayPort.