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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


If it doesn’t work I try a few things from protondb I try lutris then I give up and refund the game.

What kind of issues are you facing?

Do you have exotic hardware? Like high refresh rate monitors?


Go read the “reviews” on this site. Then click on the user GPUpro.

I feel like this is gonna be the year of the nvidia linux gamer. Nvidia is noticing us.

Since when do nvidia have a better performance to cost ratio? Have you been look at that gpubenchmark site that basically shills nvidia gpus and shits on and?

If it’s as private as they claim it shouldn’t be an issue.

They really don’t provide enough to back up the insane claims they’re making. I would take all this with a massive grain of salt as it’s most likely bullshit wartime propaganda designed to stir people up.

No they support it because of Azure Cloud and DotNet applications.

That is exactly what I said.

But in some point in time, epic will probably deliver a Linux client and then Valve will probably be forced to make it easier to get the launcher,

Epic might* make a linux client if they see a reason to. But is very unlikely valve will be forced to adopt the epic games launcher into their “gaming mode” that is unrealistic. There is 10000x more monopolies to crack down on before anyone takes a look at the tiny handheld linux gaming market.

Nothing you’ve said provides a reason why Playtron entering the linux gaming market is anything but a positive for linux as a whole. I feel like you think I am attacking valve by talking about their monopoly. I assure you I am not, I like valve and I own a steamdeck. The idea of a gaming app that easily allows users to run games from all platforms equally aligns more with the linux ethos more than the only option being the Steam gaming mode store front and everything else must be added as a non steam game.

This is exactly my point. Microsoft is not supporting linux to improve steamOS or linux gaming. Microsoft supports Linux because they have their own Linux distro that they use and benefit from. The more companies we can get using Linux the better.

More competition is a good thing. More people making handhelds means rhe space is growing and tech is being pushed forward.

No where in my comments do I care or mention the amount physical handheld types. I’ve only mentioned the competition between operating systems.

Its not up to valve to make it easier to access epic. It’s up to epic. I think having an os that is owned by neither valve nor epic would make it more likely to have both storefronts supported as first party citizens.

Epic isn’t going to come to the table just to make steamOS better. Same as Microsoft isn’t going to make steamOS better.

But they epic might come to the table and try and get their platform supported if it was an OS not controlled by their direct competition.

That makes sense in my head but I’m not sure if i have conveyed the idea clearly.

I have no idea why you think I’m the one that’s angry. I’m talking about linux handheld operating systems and all you’ve done is bring up that other handhelds exist running windows. I’m aware of that and it’s not relevant to my original point at all.

Ok so because valve has a good linux handheld operating system then no one else should make a competing Linux handheld system. Why are you so against the idea of more people contributing to the Linux eco system.

As long as steamOS is the only player in the game then epic has no reason to come to the table. They don’t want to make steamOS better its their direct competition.

That’s why a neutral platform could be a good addition to the Linux handheld space.

Yes that’s true but the steam deck doesn’t ship with heroic so those games are not as easy to access as a steam game. An os that has a neutral platform is better than one that favors a certain vendor.

While steam os is really open I do like the idea of it not being tied to steam. “Games you’ve bought from the Epic Games Store are first-class citizens, too” this is closer to the linux ethos. Hopefully they have a good release.

Is Nvidia reflex worth using? As far as I’m aware it aims to reduce latency but I feel like latency is already so low any improvements are unnoticeable.

I feel like the people saying this now aren’t going to follow through and will buy future Nintendo products. If this behavior was a deal breaker for you then you would already be boycotting Nintendo.

Yes it requires access to the pc but it’s still a huge vulnerability. Many things can gain access to your pc but lack the permissions to do any damage. In this case simply having genshin impact installed put you at significantly more risk.

To your 2nd edit yes it is to do with it being installed. The user or the attack installing the anticheat is still the anticheat being used to exploit.

There was a security vulnerabilitiy in the genshin impact anti cheat awhile ago.

I watched this video yesterday. Holy fuck it was so good for someone who only had 3k subscribers.

I actually believed that kernal level anti cheats stopped all cheating. I had never considered the lengths people would go to.

Ok that’s great but they need to fix the bots.

Don’t play it because they might ban you then you won’t be able to play it?

Interesting. I’ve been getting hounded to play this game by friends. I might check it out.

Hopefully the make some upstream contributions so linux gaming keeps getting better.

Thank you riot for pusbing an update that cuts off all non windows players. I can finally quit, now I am free to roam this earth.

I joke, I love seeing linux getting these Ws over windows and things like this really do help people consider Linux as a choice

Minecraft, roblox, old school runescape, terraira, magicka and magicka 2, relm of the mad God, Diablo, path of exile

Ans I’m pretty sure wine doesn’t sandbox either.

I wasn’t in the technical communities only gaming. I agree that it’s a testament to how oppressive society is but I also think things were taken way to far back then.

This is such a surreal comment I feel like we have two completely different experiences. I found the old internet to be full of flame wars and hostility, which at the time I had no issue with and definitely participated. Today’s internet is overly an nice hugbox. The stuff I used to say in 2002 would probably land me in jail today.

Its not downplaying the problem it’s offering a philoshopical solution to the anguish.

Op will destroy himself before he destroys the system. So he shouldn’t expect to destroy the system. Take a step back and realize what you can change and what you can’t.

When I got interested in privacy it was genuinely overwhelming it felt like I had to upend my entire life which seemed impossible. So I stepped back and thought about what I could change. I started making small changes here and then doing only what I was comfortable with. After a year I’m almost off Google services and I’ve migrated off all big tech platforms except discord. I’m securing my home network and reeling in my email and cc usage online.

The world seems scary but I can feel myself getting away from the things I don’t like. I can sleep knowing I’m doing what I can.

Only a small % of people were on the internet then it grew and grew and the new people flocked to new spaces and didn’t like the old internet culture because it was quite elitist and toxic.